Vegan food pyramid: This is what a balanced vegan diet looks like

Author: Benita Wintermantel/editorial team (lw) | Category: Food and Drink | April 29, 2024 Photo: Shutterstock/marilyn barbone The vegan food pyramid shows how an animal-free diet can work in a balanced manner and without nutrient deficiencies. We explain the structure of the vegan food pyramid – it shows which nutrients are important in a plant-based […]

10 mins read

2024-04 – Science meets history at Adler Museum of Medicine

April 29, 2024 – Wits University Exhibition celebrates the life and scientific journey of Nobel Laureate and alumnus Sydney Brenner. Professor Sydney Brenner (1927-2019) was a molecular biologist best known for explaining how DNA encodes the message to make proteins, which are the building blocks of cells and ultimately […]

8 mins read

Train muscles and lose fat: tips from an expert

It sounds strange, but tacos, flatbreads and burritos are great for a balanced diet.anandaBGD A 29-year-old American does sports every day and eats a lot of carbohydrates. At Business Insider, nutritionist Jaclyn London reveals how he can improve his diet. London recommends a rich breakfast consisting of yogurt, nuts and fruit to help build muscles. […]

10 mins read

Mental health of children and adolescents: New prevention center opens – Alumni Uni Würzburg

Mental disorders are widespread in Germany. The DZPP is working to reduce their frequency. With a ceremony, a scientific lecture program and numerous guests from science and politics, the German Center for Prevention Research in Mental Health (DZPP) officially celebrated its opening on Friday, April 19, 2024. The new building on the campus of the […]

8 mins read

Aging healthily: Munich heart surgeon reveals fitness secret

24vita Live healthy Was standing: April 29, 2024, 4:51 a.m From: Andreas Beez PressSplit Prof. Rüdiger Lange will be 70 in July and is in great shape. The well-known heart surgeon reveals his secret to success and gives tips on how you can stay healthy as you age. Professor Rüdiger Lange from the German Heart […]

12 mins read

Our best tips and care products for fantastically beautiful volume

Not only do curls look great, but they’re also a great way to add volume and texture to your hair. For those without natural curls who want them, there are numerous gentle alternatives to perms and electric tools: from gentle waves and light beach waves to defined curls – you can create many curly looks […]

9 mins read

Solutions to the psychological suffering of adolescents: “adjust” and take the time

En five years, the mental health of young people has deteriorated considerably. This is the observation drawn up in April by Public Health France after a study of 9,300 high school students.·born and middle school·nes. A quarter of high school students·nes questioned·They indicate having had suicidal thoughts during the last twelve months, which concern many […]

9 mins read

Relatives report dramatic conditions in a Berlin nursing home

Operator Domicil under criticism – Relatives report dramatic conditions in a Berlin nursing home Mon 04/29/24 | 08:38 am | From Christina Fee Möbus and Andrea Everwien dpa/Christophe Gateau Video: rbb24 Abendschau | April 29, 2024 | A. Everwien | Picture: dpa/Christophe Gateau After the recent incidents in a Berlin nursing home, allegations are again […]

8 mins read