This is how effectively you can lose weight with the fitness method

A few scented candles, a delicious fruit smoothie from Instagram, dimmed lights and the latest episode of your favourite series: this is no preparation for a relaxing evening on the couch, now it’s time to get on the treadmill. The fitness trend Cozy Cardio is shaking up our usual training routine. What is it about, […]

10 mins read

Brett Long and Todd Scarce on the success story Down Under

Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and … Australia? That’s right, the well-known Swiss traditional company Kieser is also represented in Australia with its 172 studios. There are approximately 14,500 kilometers as the crow flies between the European Kieser countries and Down Under. In an interview with fitness MANAGEMENT international, Brett Long (CEO) and Todd Scarce (COO) […]

8 mins read

How plant-based foods are linked to heart disease

Exclusive translation from This is a machine-generated translation of an article from’s international partners. It has been reviewed by us but not edited. You are welcome to give us your feedback at the end of the article. Recently, headlines have denounced plant-based fake meats – such as vegetarian sausages and textured plant proteins – […]

10 mins read