Nutrition expert names “the biggest deficits” of vegans

Markus Keller is one of the leading experts in plant-based nutrition. He explains to Utopia why vegans should pay more attention to their iodine and calcium consumption and which plant-based foods can help. When it comes to critical nutrients in a vegan diet, vitamin B12 is often mentioned first. There is no other nutrient for […]

10 mins read

Flat stomach without exercising? Tips for visible weight loss without sweating

A chic crop top with new jeans? If only there weren’t a few annoying rolls of fat peeking through. On good days you love yourself the way you are, on others your problem area, your stomach, really gets on your nerves. With these tricks, tips and exercises for lazy people, the goal of a “flat […]

12 mins read

Fitness watches for men and women under 50 €

Home page Product recommendation Was standing: 25.06.2024, 09:17 From: Nina Dudek, Philipp Mosthaf PressSplit Lucky you – if you have a good and affordable fitness watch. © Montage Lots of motivation, little money? Stiftung Warentest recommends some inexpensive fitness watches! They don’t cost much and still offer all the necessary functions. Note to our readers: […]

9 mins read

Career day brings nursing and cleaning staff together

All 1. Parish District/Grace Church of the Evangelical Parish ABU Active Bergisch Entrepreneurs ADFC AdK Employment Agency New Neighbours Campaign Bensberg Elderly and Family Assistance Association Altenberger Cathedral Association Althoff Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg AMG Albertus Magnus High School Amnesty International Andreas Hahner, photographer St. Andrew’s Church Working Group of Outpatient Nursing Services Working Group on […]

10 mins read

Insights into neural stem cell research » BRAIN AND PATH » SciLogs

Doctors are regularly confronted with diseases whose cruelty is heartbreaking. Epidermolysis Bullosa is such a disease: the skin of the terminally ill reacts to even the slightest contact and stimuli with blistering and peeling, so that infections, scars and pain become a constant companion. Most of those affected die in childhood and adolescence. This made […]

9 mins read

Helping hands from overseas: How 13 young Brazilians were recruited for nursing in Saxony

What does “Nu nu” mean? Yes, no, I don’t care? At first, Beatriz de Almeida Marques had a hard time understanding these regional subtleties. Learning German is already difficult enough for a young Brazilian. Just this “R” for emergency services… Until last year, the 27-year-old only knew Germany from books and the Internet. “When I […]

13 mins read

Dr. Riedl warns – These processed foods make you sick

Hamburg. Nutrition expert Dr. Riedl warns against “consumer deception” and “sick-making” foods. This system is intended to help with shopping. In the supermarket, there are meter-long shelves with lots of colorful packaging. There you can find a wide variety of processed and highly processed foods. Dr. Matthias Riedl even speaks of a “nutritional hostile environment”. […]

9 mins read