This is behind the effective muscle building method
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This is behind the effective muscle building method

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Muscular young man doing a fitness exercise in the Butterlfy machine
Myo-Reps are a time-saving method for maximum muscle growth © IMAGO / YAY Images

The goal of many gym-goers is to accelerate muscle building in as short a time as possible. There are different training principles and methods that promise this. This also includes the so-called myo-reps. What’s behind it.

Is muscle growth stagnating despite regular and intensive training in the gym? Maybe it’s time to expose your muscles to new stimuli. A suitable means could be a method known as Myo-Reps. This promises to take muscle growth to the next level in no time. Even bodybuilding icon Arnold Schwarzenegger announced himself as a Myo-Reps fan in his “Pump Club” newsletter. Here you can find out how the method works and how it can be integrated into training.

What are Myo Reps?

The Myo-Rep method is a strength training approach that aims to strengthen muscles efficiently and in a time-saving manner. The name is made up of the Greek “Myo” (muscles) and the English “Reps” (short for “repetitions”). The concept is to perform a few short sets of controlled repetitions after a normal training set, which may be 10 to 20 repetitions. It is a type of “rest-pause training” – a popular principle for muscle stimulation among bodybuilders.

According to his own statements, the Norwegian fitness expert Borge Fagerli developed training with Myo-Reps in 2006 because he saw little success in muscle growth despite frequent training. Fagerli’s method is based on scientific findings, including from Michael Wernbron et al. (2007), and aims to maximally stimulate the muscles in order to maximize muscle growth and overcome training plateaus.

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Myo-Reps: How does maximum muscle stimulation work?

The Myo-Rep method shortens rest periods between sets and maximizes muscle load with heavy weights and fewer repetitions. This not only leads to a more effective but also a shorter workout. In order to achieve the high intensities intended for Myo-Reps, isolated exercises that target a specific muscle group are particularly suitable. This includes, for example, training on equipment such as the leg curl machine (for the biceps femoris muscle), butterflies (pectoralis major muscle) or calf raises on the multi-press machine (triceps surae muscle).

Strength training exercises that put a lot of strain on the cardiovascular system (e.g. squats or deadlifts) are less suitable for myo-reps. Here, endurance exhaustion often occurs too quickly before muscle failure is reached.

It is important to avoid poor posture during training in order to prevent injuries.

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Example of training using the Myo-Rep method

On his website, fitness coach Borge Fagerli gives an example of training with myo-reps. He recommends doing two sets of 5 to 8 repetitions or 3 to 5 repetitions with increasing load as a warm-up. This prepares the nervous system and allows you to determine the right load for the following work set based on your daily form.

  1. Activation Set: Choose a lighter weight that allows you to complete 5 to 15 reps (depending on the exercise). Do as many repetitions until you are close to failure. Typically at this point the speed of the movement reduces significantly. Leave 1 to 2 reps in the tank – this will help you do more reps overall. When it comes to range of motion (ROM), Fagerli recommends not going the entire way (minus 10 percent) in order to keep the muscle length as constant as possible.
  2. Pause: Put the weight down and take three to five deep breaths. Then take the weight back up.
  3. Myo-Reps Sets: 2 to 5 mini sets of 2 to 4 reps. On the last set you can work to muscle failure.
  4. A myo-rep series is finished when you have reached muscle failure or can no longer complete all the repetitions from the original mini-set or when you have completed 5 mini sets.
    Examples of a correct rep sequence: 12 +4+4+3 or 6+2+1 or 8 +3+3+3+3+3

Borge Fagerli points out that this type of training, in which the effectiveness of the repetitions is controlled by the length of the rest, is quite tiring. For heavier weights, the pauses can be extended to up to ten deep breaths (30 seconds); for lighter loads, the pauses should remain short.

Read more: Train perfectly defined arms with just four exercises

That’s how effective myo-reps are – that’s what science says

The Myo-Rep method aims to effectively stimulate the muscles while minimizing training time and counteracting fatigue. But is this also scientifically proven? A new study from the University of Tampa claims that one Myo-Rep set can produce the same muscle growth as three regular sets of the same exercise, but in 70 percent less time. However, the study entitled “Muscular Adaptations Following 8 Weeks Of A Myoreps Set Configuration Versus Traditional Straight-Sets In Resistance Trained Individuals” has not yet been published. The exact results are eagerly awaited in the strength training community, as can be read on the Instagram post by study author Joshua Bradshaw.

Want push-ups? Download the PDF here for free: Push-up training plan for advanced users

Who are Myo-Reps suitable for – and who not for?

Myo-Reps can deliver excellent results and save time in the training of experienced strength athletes. However, due to the high intensity of Myo-Reps, beginners should first concentrate on the basics of strength training. You should first become more familiar with the individual exercises and equipment as well as the correct technique and develop a certain basic strength in your muscles.

In addition, at the beginning of your strength training career, you can make rapid progress with conventional sets even without intensive methods and training principles such as myo-reps, split training or supersets. You can save these for later phases of training.

Training tip: Strength training beginners should do full-body training three times a week for optimal muscle building, which is based on the hypertrophy load standards. These include, among other things, the ideal number of repetitions and sets for building muscle, the optimal training frequency or regeneration time and of course the right weight.

Training plan for gym beginners: Download PDF!

You can find out exactly how the training for gym beginners with a focus on muscle building and fat loss is structured in the training plan, which you can download here for free as a PDF.

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Young man trains in the leg press
Fitness beginners who want to work on losing weight in the gym will find a suitable training plan in the PDF library. © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

In our PDF library you will find numerous other training plan PDFs for download after free registration. Just make sure you stop by!

The author is a former competitive athlete, certified ski instructor and fitness trainer (B license).

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