The top 10 tips for your weight loss success
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The top 10 tips for your weight loss success

Low carb is one of the biggest diet trends. Restricting carbohydrates is said to not only lead to a healthy body, but also help you lose weight. But anyone who wants to test a low-carb diet often struggles with starting problems because there are a few rules to follow. If you want to start with low carb, you can find out here which foods you should avoid, what is allowed and how to stay on track. 10 tips for beginners.

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What is low-carb diet?

Low carb is a diet in which you limit the intake of carbohydrates (English “carbs”) reduced. Carbohydrates are not bad for the body, but many people consume too many of them, which can lead to weight gain. Scientifically explained, carbohydrates are the body’s first choice for energy Energy production. If there are a lot of carbohydrates in the body, it increases Insulin levels, which blocks the body’s ability to burn fat. With a low-carb diet, fewer carbohydrates are supplied to the body. This means that in order to generate energy it has to go to the fat reserves To fall back on. In addition, insulin secretion decreases and blood sugar remains constant.

In the video: This is what you should keep in mind when following a low-carb diet

Losing weight successfully with the low-carb diet is possible. There are a number of diets that work on a low-carb basis. Among other things, the Paleo diet, keto diet or the Thonon diet. Even very specific trend diets such as the rice paper diet use the low-carb principle. However, the more extreme forms are common Crash diets, which bring success in a short time through an extreme reduction in calories, but harm the body in the long term. The well-known Atkins diet, which almost completely avoids carbohydrates and instead focuses on protein and fat, is extremely controversial among nutrition experts. Carbohydrates are important for the body, which is why the diet can be low carb, but not no carb.

How do I start low carb?

Never have a breakfast sandwich or pasta again? Just salad as a side dish and no potatoes? At first, switching to low carb often seems impossible. Carbohydrate-rich products are an important part of our daily diet and it is difficult to imagine eliminating them. So that the change to one Low-carb diet isn’t so intimidating, take small steps. At first, just one is enough to replace meal, preferably dinner. Or you eat fewer carbohydrates one day and more the next. This way the body gets used to the change.

The 10 best tips for low carb beginners: How to get started and stick with it

Switching to a low-carb diet isn’t as hard as you think. This Tips and Tricks help you with:

Complex instead of simple carbohydrates

Not all carbohydrates are the same. In the low-carb diet you should above all simple carbohydrates avoid. All carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules. A distinction is made here between simple sugars, disaccharides and multiple sugars. Monosaccharides and disaccharides provide energy quickly, but only for a short time. They can be found, for example, in table sugar, fast food and soft drinks. The body needs a lot more time to break down the stable multiple sugars, which is why the blood sugar level rises more slowly and you stay full longer. These “good carbs” are found in whole grain products, vegetables and legumes. Complex carbohydrates not only provide the body with energy, but also with vitamins, fiber and minerals.

In the check: This is how you differentiate between the different types of carbohydrates

Low carb instead of no carb

Don’t completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Approximately 20 to 30 percent The carbohydrate content should be (150 to 200 grams) so that the diet is still balanced. The German Society for Nutrition even recommends a proportion of 50 percent. No-carb diets work with a maximum of 50 grams of carbohydrates per day, which is not healthy in the long term.

Drink a lot

At least 1.5 liters of still Water You should drink tea or unsweetened tea throughout the day. This is calorie-free and fills you up.

Avoid finished products

Finished products don’t just contain a lot of unhealthy ones additives, but also a lot of simple carbohydrates. It’s best to cook it yourself, so you can determine exactly how many carbohydrates your meal contains.

Avoid sugar

You should generally avoid sugar. It’s not so much about the spoonful of sugar in coffee, but rather about the hidden sugars in soft drinks and food industry products. Sugar is often not visible in the list of ingredients because it is hidden behind terms such as malt, sweet whey powder or fructose.

Eat regularly

Those who want to lose weight often fall into the illusion that skipping meals makes sense. But if you don’t eat regularly, your blood sugar levels drop and you can have a craving attack. So don’t skip any meals, eat regularly and consciously.

Here you will find out how cravings arise and how you can prevent them

Create a nutrition plan

At first, the low-carb diet can be a little overwhelming. So that it doesn’t turn into stress, it’s best to hire one Nutrition plan that you can stick to during the week. This means you don’t have to think about your food every day and avoid too many snacks.

Opt for whole grain foods

White flour consists of simple carbohydrates and should therefore be avoided. If you still want to eat bread every now and then, go for it complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grain foods.

Focus on proteins

Proteins are the main player in low-carb diets. Meat, eggs, fish, dairy products and also legumes contain protein. They are important for building muscle, are filling and do not affect blood sugar levels.

Eat healthy fats

Even though fats are generally allowed on low carb diets, you should eat the right fats. Those with polyunsaturated fatty acids are healthier for your body. These include cold-pressed oils such as olive oil or linseed oil, but also high-fat foods such as avocado or salmon.

In the clip: This is how you can avoid cravings for carbohydrates

Low-carb diet mistakes

Have you been doing low carb for a week and still don’t see anything on the scale? You shouldn’t be impatient with this type of diet. It is not a flash diet that will quickly lead to success. The weight will slowbut sustainable reduced. That’s why you shouldn’t make the mistake of giving up too quickly. Don’t resort to so-called ones too often either Low-carb products. They often contain many additives that are unhealthy. They also tempt you to consume more of them. Also alcohol Doesn’t belong in a glass: It contains a lot of carbohydrates, inhibits fat burning and increases appetite.

A day of low-carb eating: dishes

If you want to eat low carb, a day might look like this:

Low carb breakfast

If you like it sweet, make it Low carb pancakes. The white flour is replaced with starch in the form of a mashed banana and a little coconut flour or almond flour. Of course you have to leave out sugar, but fresh fruit can be on the table.

For a hearty breakfast option is a omelet always a good choice.

Low carb lunch

Schnitzel against the slump during the lunch break is allowed. The “breading” only consists of parmesan and egg. Then fry in good oil and serve with a salad.

Low carb dinner

Treat yourself to one Pizza for dinner. In the low-carb version, you use two grated zucchini for the dough, squeeze out the water and mix them with an egg, some mozzarella and Parmesan. Form a base out of it and pre-bake it in the oven. Then top with tomato sauce, vegetables and cheese and bake again. The pizza base can also be made from cauliflower. To do this, chop the cauliflower in the blender. You have to briefly steam this cauliflower rice in the microwave or fry it in the pan before mixing it with the egg and cheese.

Low-carb snacks

Vegetable sticks with herb quark, fresh berries, low-sugar fruit, cheese with olives or a handful of sunflower seeds are suitable healthy low-carb snacks.

Low-carb recipes for your diet

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