Mental health self-care
9 mins read

Mental health self-care

By taking care of your feelings, your body and your lifestyle, you can significantly improve your mental health. It’s time to make positive changes to improve your well-being. You can find good starting points here.

The importance of self-care for mental healthThe importance of self-care for mental health

Last update: May 21, 2024

In our fast-paced and often stressful world, we underestimate it Importance of self-care often, although there are very simple strategies to promote our psychological well-being. Positive self-talk, developing a resilient mindset, and physical activity and other healthy habits will help you better deal with life’s challenges and invest in your long-term health.

Put the following tips into practice every day!

“To heal others, we must first heal ourselves. And in order to heal ourselves, we need to know how to treat ourselves.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Self-Care: The Key to Mental Health

Mental health is not only nourished by our inner psychological universe. The social environment, our emotions and our physical well-being also contribute significantly to true harmony and well-being.

One in the trade magazine International Journal of Nursing Study published article highlights the importance of self-care and the numerous benefits it brings. Not only does it promote well-being, but it also reduces morbidity and even mortality rates in the population. We invite you to discover helpful self-care strategies and integrate them into your lifestyle.

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Self-care to prevent depression

Depressive disorders arise from many factors: genetics, life experiences, medical conditions, stressful events and poor coping strategies play a role. However, you can through self-care Reduce risk of depression.

An example of this is given in Frontiers in Public Health described. During the pandemic, it was found that certain population groups were less affected by depression, particularly those who had improved their emotion management skills and optimized their sleeping, eating and exercise habits.

Self-care is more than just a set of practices; she is a vital investment in your long-term well-being and your mental health. By regularly taking time for yourself, you strengthen your resilience and create the foundation for a more fulfilling life.

Better coping with fears

The importance of self-care for mental health is highlighted in all areas of healthcare. This practice encompasses emotional, psychological and social well-being and helps you respond better in difficult, stressful situations:

  • If you suffer from anxiety, you perceive threats and dangers more strongly than your well-being. Self-care helps you focus on what’s most important: yourself.
  • This practice also gives you Time to reflect on your emotions and feelings. You increase your self-confidence and therefore recognize early signs of anxiety, which in turn enables you to take appropriate action quickly.
  • Anxiety gets worse when you believe you have no control over reality. However, through self-care practices, you can achieve positive change as you learn to react more calmly and calmly. Techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing are helpful.

More resilience

Self-care is the cornerstone of developing one resilient attitude towards challenging events. One in the magazine Journal of Clinical Nursing A study published in 2007 shows, for example, how this practice improves the quality of life of chronically ill people.

Individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia, lupus, or diabetes can better adapt to difficulties when their emotional, physical, and social needs are taken care of. When they commit to themselves, their reality improves and they find the strength they need in this situation.

People with depression often have difficulty with self-care. However, when they learn simple activities like going for a walk, spending time with friends, or techniques for better emotional management, positive changes occur.

The consequences of self-neglect

At the beginning of psychotherapy, the professional usually reminds the person of the importance of self-care and helps the person being treated to develop appropriate strategies. The Self-neglect has sometimes serious consequences:

  • Increased risk of disease
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling of loss of control
  • Lack of concentration and reduced productivity
  • Increased risk of stress, anxiety and depression
  • Life dissatisfaction
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion
  • Difficulty solving problems
  • Deterioration in emotional well-being: increased irritability, bad mood, etc.
  • Impairment of interpersonal relationships

Lack of self-care can lead to a negative cycle that is difficult to escape. For example, the more tired and irritable you are, the more difficult it is for you to exercise, eat better, or regulate your emotions and mental focus.

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Practical self-care tips

The magazine BMC Public Health published a study on a new tool for assessing self-care in the adult population, which is very important for psychological professionals. However, it is also crucial to integrate measures into everyday life to avoid the negative consequences of self-neglect and promote psychological well-being. The following practical tips will help you do this!

1. Your well-being is a priority

You may have been caring deeply for others for years, which is wonderful. However, you should not neglect your own needs because of this. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, but a necessity to protect your physical and mental health.

2. Take care of your inner dialogue

You need to weed your garden: analyze limiting thoughts and beliefs and replace them with positive inner dialogue. Be sensitive with yourself and don’t constantly blame yourself when things don’t go the way you imagined.

3. Create routines

Regular habits give you stability and predictability, which helps you leave stress and anxiety behind. Stick to regular times of day and organize your daily activities optimally.

4. Stay active

You don’t have to run a marathon or sit in the gym for hours. But regularly make time for a bike ride, a walk in the forest, swimming, dancing or other forms of exercise that you enjoy.

5. Set boundaries without guilt

Self-care requires setting boundaries. If it’s not the right time to help others or do someone a favor, you should admit that clearly and openly. Only if you set boundaries can you prevent overload and the consequences that come with it.

6. Meditate, relax and be mindful

Take a few minutes a day to Relaxation techniques, meditation or mindfulness to practice and calm your mind. You can use it to counteract stress and improve your ability to concentrate.

7. Take care of your sleep hygiene

One in the trade magazine Sleep Medicine Reviews published article confirms that a healthy Getting a night’s sleep is crucial to improving mental health. Healthy sleeping habits are therefore essential. Here you will find some helpful tips: Difficulty sleeping through the night: Tips to avoid waking up at night

8. Improve your diet

Eating consciously is an essential part of caring for your mental health and well-being. Choose fresh, unprocessed foods that you prepare at home. Your diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy fats. Additionally, probiotics found in fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi can improve your microbiome and promote your mental well-being.

9. Learn stress management techniques

Find out which situations bother you the most and overwhelm you. Then learn to respond better through stress management techniques to improve your quality of life.

Self-care for a better quality of life

Self-care is a necessary practice that strengthens your physical, emotional and mental health. Take time regularly to identify your needs and practice a healthy lifestyle. Start today by taking small steps to care for yourself.

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