Everyone should know these 5 basic exercises for strength training
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Everyone should know these 5 basic exercises for strength training

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Do you want to do something good for your body and build muscle at the same time? Are you wondering which exercises are basic? Here we present the five basic strength training exercises that everyone should integrate into their training.

By the way: Women often benefit from higher repetitions and shorter rest periods because their muscles respond better to endurance training.

Why squats are a must

Squats are great for building strength and endurance in your legs and lower back. You can do them either without weights or with additional weights like dumbbells or kettlebells.

Activates these muscles: quadriceps, glutes, thighs

Active sporty woman doing squats on the sports field on the coast on a warm sunny day
Squats are one of the basic exercises in strength training. Credit: Adobe Stock/ Yaroslav Astakhov

That’s how it’s done:
Stand upright with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Tighten your stomach and bend your knees deeply – try to lower your buttocks to knee height. Make sure your upper body stays straight and is slightly bent forward. Push your buttocks back as if you were going to sit down on a chair. Your knees should stay behind your toes.

Training recommendation: Do 3 sets with as many repetitions as you can manage. Correct execution is what counts.

Variant: You can also hold a dumbbell between both hands to make the exercise more difficult and to do something for your arms and shoulders at the same time. Alternatively, you can put a resistance band around your legs and take a few steps on each side in a crab walk.

How push-ups shape your upper body

Push-ups are versatile and can be performed in different variations to adjust the intensity. For beginners, you can do them on your knees.

Activates these muscles: chest, shoulders, triceps

Sporty woman doing push-ups on the floor in a modern gym.
Training with your own body weight: One of the best exercises is push-ups Credit: Adobe Stock/ BestForYou

Here’s how to do the exercise:
Get into the push-up position. Open your legs slightly – the wider they are, the easier it will be. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Tighten your stomach and make sure that your bottom neither hangs up nor down. Then bend your arms and lower your upper body.

Training recommendation: Do 3 sets with as many repetitions as you can manage. Here too, the most important thing is correct execution.

Easy variants: Stand in front of a wall or a table, support your hands on it and do the push-ups in an elevated position. Alternatively, you can get on your knees and do push-ups from this position or you can practice the reverse push-up first.

Dips: The all-rounder for arms and upper body

Dips are an excellent exercise for increasing upper body strength, especially the triceps and chest muscles. They can be performed on a sturdy chair or bench. Variations such as bench dips or parallel dips can adjust the intensity.

Trains these muscles: triceps, chest, shoulders

Healthy young woman doing arm training in the park
Dips are unbeatable when it comes to strengthening the triceps and upper back. Credit: Adobe Stock/ Jacob Ammentorp Lund

That’s how it’s done:
Find a sturdy chair, bed or sofa. Stand with your back to it, bend your legs and grab the edge of the chair, bed etc. with your fingers. Your feet should be far enough away from the chair that your bottom is just before the edge. Tighten your stomach and bend your arms deeply.

Training recommendation: Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Increase the number depending on your training level. Correct execution is what counts.

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Why the plank (forearm support) is more than just a trend exercise

The plank is a great full-body exercise that you can vary wonderfully. In the classic version, you train your core, arms and deep abdominal muscles. If you convert the plank into a side plank, the oblique abdominal muscles will be brought into shape.

Trains these muscles: abdominal muscles, back, shoulders

Woman doing plank workout with laptop at home
The plank is more than just a trendy exercise.
Credit: Adobe Stock/ (JLco) Julia Amaral

This is how the plank works:
Lie on your stomach with your legs hip-width apart. Support your forearms, your elbows should be directly under your shoulders. Tighten your stomach and push your body up so that the weight is only supported by your forearms and the tips of your toes. Make sure that your body forms a line and that your bottom neither slides up nor down.

Training recommendation: Hold the support position for at least 30 seconds and increase the intensity each time. Here, too, the most important thing is to perform the exercise correctly.

Variants: Lie on your side and get into a side plank position with either your arm outstretched or supported on your forearm. This will train your oblique abdominal muscles. You can also stay in the classic plank position and lift one leg up alternately, which will get your bottom in shape at the same time.

Have you ever heard of the reverse plank? Here you can find out more about this slightly different support.

Crunches: The insider tip for your abdominal muscles

Well-trained abdominal muscles are essential for a stable core and a strong back. Try to vary crunches, a more back-friendly alternative to the basic sit-ups exercise, for example with a boxing movement for an extra kick.

Activates these muscles: Abdominal muscles (especially the rectus abdominis)

Couple doing punch crunches exercise
Punch crunches are a good variation to regular sit-ups or crunches. Credit: Adobe Stock/ Impact Photography

That’s how it’s done:
Lie on your back and place your feet a little way away from your bottom. Advanced users can also raise their legs at a 90 degree angle. Tighten your stomach, place your fingertips lightly on the back of your head and lift your upper body diagonally to the right. Use your left arm to make a powerful punch towards your right knee. Lean your upper body back – do not put it completely on the floor – and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Training recommendation: Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Increase the number depending on your training level.

Variant: To work your rectus abdominis, simply stand up straight and punch with each arm at the highest point.

Pro tip: You really want to do sit-ups but are wondering if you are doing it right? If your feet are off the ground, you should stick to crunches to protect your back.

With these five basic exercises you have laid the foundation for an effective full-body workout. Start today and watch how your body changes in a short time. You will be amazed at how quickly you will make progress!

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