Gabi Fastner: How to stay fit when you’re over 60
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Gabi Fastner: How to stay fit when you’re over 60

As a state-certified gymnastics teacher, she has been a fixture in the fitness industry for over 30 years and her workouts have now inspired 625,000 subscribers on YouTube. Gabi Fastner provides her fans with new, intensive workouts every day. The special thing about her training sessions: everyone can take part, because the Bad Tölz native always makes sure that her exercises are age-appropriate.

Especially as a senior citizen, you should definitely know and try out Gabi Fastner’s workouts! But it’s not just YouTube and her appearances in the well-known TV series “Tele-Gym” that have made Gabi Fastner so popular: her numerous fitness guides are also a hit with her fans. Take a look at her latest book “50 Workouts – Morning Gymnastics”!

Are you looking for the optimal training plan for women over 60? Here you will find instructions on how to build muscle specifically at this age:

Training plan

Fit over 60

Fit over 60

  • 8-week plan

  • only dumbbells & training bench or elevation needed

  • 4 different workouts + warm-up

  • 29 exercises in pictures and videos

  • 42-page PDF, accessible on all devices

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How do I get rid of my belly fat?

Training is of course very important for shaping your stomach. In one of her latest workouts, Gabi Fastner shows you exercises that will help you get your stomach in top shape as quickly as possible. That’s why her training session specifically targets the middle abdominal muscle. Defined abdominal muscles not only look good, they are also particularly important for straightening the upper body, lifting the pelvis and supporting exhalation and abdominal pressing. After all, appearance shouldn’t be your only motivation!

Important: It is not possible to reduce fat in just one part of the body. You have to reduce fat overall to lose belly fat. This requires a calorie deficit, meaning you have to consume fewer calories than you use. In addition to workouts like this, regular endurance exercise is advisable, but above all, the right diet is essential.

Gaby Fastner shows her workout: 20 minutes Sixpack Express

The workout begins with a warm-up and is rounded off with a cool-down. In between, she performs the exercises described below twice, the second time in reverse order. The video is part of a 14-day challenge for toned abdominal muscles. For the best results, you can also complete the other parts of her workout series and do it with Gabi for 14 days! Are you ready to tone your core and get a slim waist? Then grab your yoga mat and let’s get started! Gabi herself trains on a yoga mat from Yogistar.

1. Warm up

Gabi begins her workout with a short warm-up. To do this, she sits cross-legged with her upper body straight and begins to stretch it in all directions to stimulate blood circulation in the muscles and activate the fascia.

2. Cat-Cow Position

Start in a quadruped position on the floor with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Now round your back and pull your chin to your chest, tightening your abdominal muscles. Your back should arch upwards, similar to a cat arching its back. Then move into the cow pose by lowering your stomach and lifting your head and hips up. Look slightly upwards, your back should go into a hollow position, similar to a cow arching its back.

3. Plank position

Get into the push-up position, but support yourself on your forearms instead of your palms. This means that only your toes, forearms and hands touch the floor. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your body should form a straight line. Use the tension from your abdominal muscles to hold the exercise. A little tip: If this exercise is too strenuous for you, you can also put your knees on the floor.

4. Crunches

Come back to the supine position: knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands clasped behind your head. Now tighten your abdominal muscles to lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor. Make sure your lower back stays on the floor. Breathe out as you move up and hold the tension briefly at the top before moving your upper body back to the floor in a controlled manner.

5. Hold

Stay on your back: keep your knees bent, but this time lift your feet off the ground so that your legs are in the air and form a 90-degree angle to your torso. Place your palms on your thighs, breathe out and apply pressure with your abdominal muscles by pushing your legs slightly away from your body with your hands. Then release the tension by breathing in. Repeat this process.

6. Lower Ab Lift

Stay on your back and leave your legs in the air. Cross them and bend them so that your heels are close to your bottom. Now lift your lower back off the floor without swinging and then lower it back down again in a controlled manner. Use the tension in your lower abdominal muscles to do this. For the more advanced version, you can also stretch your legs out straight. Repeat this movement a few times before lifting the other crossed leg and doing this exercise again.

Attention: After the first round of Lower Ab Lift, the second round begins in reverse order, without Cat Cow Position!

7. Cool-Down

Congratulations, you’ve almost made it! To perfectly round off your workout, Gabi has prepared a little stretching for you:

  • Abs Stretch: To do this, first stand up and kneel down with your upper body straight. Place one hand either on your heel or on your lower back and push your pelvis forward to stretch your abdominal muscles. Stretch the other arm straight up. Then switch sides.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Sit on the floor with your upper body straight and your knees bent. Now first grab your right knee with your left arm and stretch the other arm straight back to stretch your shoulder. As you do this, look at the hand that is on the floor behind your buttocks. Hold the stretch and then perform the exercise on the other side.
  • Side Stretch: Sit cross-legged with your upper body straight. Place your left arm straight at your side, while your right arm is stretched straight up and pulled over your head to the left side. Stretch the right side of your body from your hip to your fingertips as much as you can. Hold the exercise and then switch sides.
  • Neck Stretch: Stay in the same starting position as before. First, slowly tilt your head to the left until you feel a stretch in the right side of your neck. Hold the exercise and then switch sides.

Still have energy left? Our training plan provides you with additional exercises that are specifically tailored to the needs of your body and with which you can keep fit at any age!

Training plan

Fit over 50

Fit over 50

  • Mini-Band, Sling Trainer, Kettlebell & Resistance Band Required

  • 6 different workouts + warm-up

  • 57 exercises in pictures and videos

  • 64-page PDF, accessible on all devices

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After successful payment you will receive an email with a download link. If you have any questions, send a message to [email protected].

Wow, you did it! Toned abs are hard work, but Gabi Fastner gives you a workout that is suitable for all ages and all levels of ability. Combined with the right diet and enough exercise in your daily life, your belly fat will melt away in no time!

© – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Fit over 60
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“Intensive strength training is a must for every woman over 50!”

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