The customer journey in the fitness and health industry
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The customer journey in the fitness and health industry

Anyone who deals with marketing will inevitably come across the term customer journey. Customer means customer, journey is the journey. What journey do our customers take in the fitness industry? What is the customer journey all about and why is it essential for business success?

Customer journey refers to the individual phases that our prospective customers and customers go through. On their journey they have various touchpoints with the club. In the prospective customer phase, these can be advertisements, websites, social media posts, TV or radio spots, conversations with friends or opinions of others in review portals. As a member, care appointments, social events or internal communication channels of the club come into play. A Customer Journey can Hours, days or Years last.

The steps of a customer journey

The aim of the customer journey is to make the prospective customer a member. The first step is to develop the potential customer’s awareness of the studio. In the second step, prospective customers deepen their understanding of the Studio offergain a more detailed picture of the solutions and compare them with other providers. In the third step, they make the decision for a Trial training or the Completion of a membership.

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Many fitness clubs are already working quite well in this first phase. However, tools are only gradually being introduced that allow the rather random guidance of the prospective customer through the various steps through a automated or process-oriented support from step to step. Modern communication tools, which integrate interested parties into a funnel, if necessary, after an initial contact, are making work easier here. The selection of contact points via social media, websites or flyers is used in a variety of ways. The widespread option of a non-binding studio tour is a tool that is often used. Here it is important to make a positive first impression, both through inviting premises and through competent, friendly, service-oriented staff.

People & communication make the difference

In reality, the quality of this first personal contact often still needs to be improved. Often there is a lack of personal contact and an identification of the individual needs of the potential customer. In the fitness industry, despite online shops and digital sales tools, a lot still revolves around personal connections and the human touch. It is precisely these soft facts that can make the important difference between someone who comes by once and a customer who stays loyal to the company for many years. Every contact is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression. It is an ongoing process for the team, Trust and Build loyalty and thus sustainably improve the company’s added value.

Customer loyalty as the supreme discipline

In step four of the customer journey, the To strengthen customer loyalty and a long-term relationship The aim is to inspire customers so much that they not only remain loyal members, but also actively recommend the company, its employees and offers to others and thus contribute to the growth of the company.

Trainer talking to a gym member
The customer journey is about professional support with the aim of achieving the customer’s goals (Image source: © pompixs –

Especially in these challenging times and due to the shortage of skilled workers, studios are more often limiting themselves to providing information instead of proactively approaching potential customers, offering personal consultations and supporting interested parties in their decision-making process regarding training offers. For all clubs that describe support and service as their USP, personal attention is exactly what allows them to stand out from the competition.

How to achieve customer loyalty

There are basically two areas to distinguish in this part of the customer journey. On the one hand, it is about professional support with the aim of achieving the customer’s goals. On the other hand, the relationship level offers the greatest opportunities to create customer loyalty, especially in the long term. You should consider the following points here:

  • Professional support system that guarantees regular contact with the trainee.
  • Support staff who can solve members’ needs and problems.
  • A communication system that optimizes regular communication with all members. All communication channels can be used (newsletters, WhatsApp groups, birthday cards, house newspaper, etc.).
  • A team that sees itself as a relationship manager and builds its own relationships with members as well as networks members with each other.
  • Platforms on which members network with each other (course formats, seminars, bike tours, parties, etc.).
  • Retention systems that identify and treat members appropriately before they cancel.
  • A CRM system that makes all processes understandable and measurable.

Optimal training of employees as a prerequisite

One optimal training the Employees is crucial for a successful customer journeyThe employees should not only be well informed about the various services and membership models, but also be able to conduct professional conversations in order to competently meet the needs and wishes of the customers. Training in communication techniques and sales skills ensures that potential customers feel well looked after and are keen to become members.

A successful customer journey offers numerous advantages

We are not alone in this task. A look at customer journeys in other industries shows that many of the above mentioned principles are applicable across industries. For example, retailers can also benefit from personalization and automation of customer interactions, just like service companies benefit from consistent customer service.

An optimized customer journey not only increases customer satisfaction, but also leads to higher customer loyalty and increased returnsSuccessful customer journey management creates unforgettable customer experiences that go far beyond the simple form of “becoming and being a member” of a gym. After the prospective customer has been won over as a member, it is the gym’s job to offer a positive customer experience in order to permanently strengthen the customer’s loyalty to the gym.

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