Flat stomach without exercising? Tips for visible weight loss without sweating
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Flat stomach without exercising? Tips for visible weight loss without sweating

A chic crop top with new jeans? If only there weren’t a few annoying rolls of fat peeking through. On good days you love yourself the way you are, on others your problem area, your stomach, really gets on your nerves. With these tricks, tips and exercises for lazy people, the goal of a “flat stomach” is within sight.

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Flat stomach: What is crucial for a slim midsection?

For many people, the middle of the body is a Problem area. Unfortunately, we cannot choose exactly where fat forms first. If the body in the abdominal area Fat However, this can be problematic for health. The so-called visceral fat envelops the internal organs and produces its own hormones and messenger substances that can interfere with the metabolism and make you sick. These Factors have an influence on fat deposits in the abdominal area (spoiler: you can influence two of them):

In the clip: Why belly fat is unhealthy

Genetic component

Research has been looking into the genetic causes of Obesity. Even though the scientific analyses are not yet complete, a genetic component has been proven. “Genetics are responsible for around 60 percent of the reason why someone becomes overweight,” says Professor Johannes Hebebrand from the University of Marburg, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Research shows that men tend to put on more fat in their stomachs, while women tend to put on more fat in their hips. In the female body, this can be reversed during menopause as the hormone balance changes.


But it is not all genetics. The increase in obesity in recent decades is also mainly due to Lack of exercise to do. In our stressful everyday lives there is hardly any time for exercise and the car is our favorite means of transport. Exercise is a crucial factor in balancing our calorie intake and thereby burning fat.


Fatty food, too much salt and alcohol promote belly fat. An unhealthy lifestyle with a diet rich in sugar and fat and too little exercise are the main factors for unhealthy belly fat. If you change your diet to a healthy one, whole food has already taken an important step towards a slim stomach.

10 belly-reducing tricks for a slim midsection without sweating

You want to finally get rid of the fat on your belly, but you have neither the desire nor the time for strenuous training? In this regard, nothing comes from nothing. Of course, targeted Muscle training in combination with Cardio units the more effective method to get rid of belly fat. But there are a few Tips and Tricksthat you can easily get started with.

Eat slowly

When you gulp down your food, your body has no time to Feeling of satiety Take your time and chew each bite at least 50 times. This way you will feel full faster and eat less overall.

Get enough sleep

Poor sleep has a negative impact on our waistline, because at night the body uses its energy to generate Fat deposits According to a study from the USA, even less than eight hours of sleep has a negative effect. Participants gained 12.1 grams of visceral fat mass with just one hour less sleep.

Balanced nutrition

A healthy diet can have a big impact on our belly fat. If you want to eat a wholesome diet, you can follow the ten rules of the German Nutrition Society, which, among other things, Vegetablesgood fats and little sugar and salt. In the evening, the menu should include protein-rich and low-carbohydrate foods, which helps with fat loss at night.

Conscious snacking

When we are hungry, we tend to eat a few bars of chocolate straight away. Snacking is not forbidden, but you should consciously enjoy it and not use it to satisfy your hunger. Regular meals ensure a stable blood sugar level, which prevents cravings. Instead of chocolate, a piece of Fruit or a handful of nuts can often make you just as happy.

Avoid gassy foods

Sometimes the belly is not as big as we think, but just bloatedIf you want to fit into that tight evening dress in the evening, then avoid foods that cause bloating during the day. These include peas, garlic, onions, beans or cabbage. It is also better to avoid chewing gum, because when you chew you swallow a lot of air, which can lead to a bloated stomach.

In the video: Where does the bloated stomach come from and how do you get rid of it?

Incorporate exercise into everyday life

Try to move as much as possible in your everyday life. This doesn’t necessarily have to be in the gym. Just leave the car at home or avoid the elevator and take the stairs. Walking can also help you lose weight.

Drink enough

Drinking a lot is generally good for your health and can also help against belly fat. If the body does not get enough fluids, it reduces energy production and no longer burns fat. Two liters a day is a good idea, preferably still water. Green tea is a Insider tipbecause it is low in calories but contains caffeine, which can boost fat burning.

Eating from blue dishes

It sounds strange, but the color of the plate makes a difference. Our brain associates the color blue with Deceleration and makes the food look less attractive. This automatically causes you to eat slower and less.

Season food well

Keep your hands off Saltbut add as much spice as possible. This not only makes low-fat food taste better, but various spices can even help you lose weight. These include chilli, ginger and cinnamon.

avoid stress

The mental component also plays a role in losing weight. If you are constantly stressed, your body demands calories to maintain performance. Try to avoid stressful situations and build islands of calm into your everyday life.

Workouts for those who don’t like sports: Flat stomach with simple exercises

It’s difficult to achieve a flat stomach without exercise. But don’t worry, there are quick, easy solutions for those who don’t like exercise.

Crunches for the core muscles

Crunches are the classic when training your abdominal muscles. How to do it: Lie on your back, bend your legs and move your upper body towards your knees. Lift your shoulders only slightly off the floor. Three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions are enough to start with.

Belly away in bed

You can do something to get a flat stomach before you get up in the morning. Lie on your back in bed and raise your legs towards the ceiling at a 90-degree angle. Then raise your pelvis and hold it for ten seconds. Lower it and repeat ten to 15 times.

In the video: With this exercise you get a flat stomach without sit-ups

Tabata method: 4 minutes of training a day is enough

Based on a concept by the Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata A combination of aerobic and anaerobic training leads to the best results. Interval training is strenuous, but you only need to plan for four minutes a day. Before Tabata training, you should warm up briefly. Then you do various abdominal exercises for each 20 seconds Between the individual exercises, only ten seconds There will be a break, after which the entire run will be repeated.

Possible exercises:

  • Lie on your back and stretch your legs up together. Then draw circles with your legs to one side and move them downwards. The closer you get to the floor, the more effective it will be.
  • Lie on your back, hands under your bottom, legs straight up. Lift your head and upper back slightly. Now let your legs sink alternately and slowly to the floor.
  • You are in a forearm plank position on the floor, stomach pulled in and in a straight line. Now turn your hips alternately to the left and right towards the floor and return to the middle.

Abdominal training with minimal effort and maximum effect: Can it work?

No effort, no results: You can only get a really flat stomach by changing your diet in a healthy way combination with sport and targeted abdominal training. If you only follow one or two of our tips, you will not be satisfied with the results. But if you stick to all the tricks over a longer period of time, incorporate sports activities and the right diet, you can Belly fat teach fear.

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