3 top earners reveal why they quit their well-paid jobs
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3 top earners reveal why they quit their well-paid jobs

Marsell Gorska Gautier/Getty Images

Three top earners have quit their six-figure jobs to prioritize their mental health.

They struggled with high work pressure and lack of support.

They have found new jobs that offer flexibility and a better work-life balance.

This is a machine translation of an article from our US colleagues at Business Insider. It was automatically translated and reviewed by a real editor.

Six-figure salaries can come with an extremely demanding workload. Without a supportive work environment, this can feel unbearable, and in some cases, employees have to choose between their paycheck and their mental health.

Business Insider spoke to three top earners who quit their six-figure jobs to save their mental health. They all started their careers with a desire to make a splash in their industry, but quickly became disillusioned with the high pressure, grueling workdays, and harsh feedback.

When their mental health deteriorated, they were forced to quit.

Jean Kang was overwhelmed by the “hustle culture” in her company

Thirty-one-year-old Jean Kang initially loved the perks that came with six-figure salaries at her various jobs in big technology.

“I was spoiled with tech benefits in every position: great pay, free food, remote work, gym memberships, massages and more,” Kang told BI.

Despite the unique perks, Kang said she felt immense pressure to outperform her competitors, a virtue of the “hustle culture” that prevailed in her workplace. Kang said she struggled with the realization that she had sacrificed her life for a job that ultimately only served to make big companies more money.

After a mass layoff in 2023 forced her to acknowledge the fragility of her job, Kang saw an opportunity to leave Big Tech for good. She said she worked some side hustles after work and eventually took a risk on herself by giving up her $300,000 paycheck to work full-time as a content creator and career coach.

“My biggest fear was failure. But I knew I would regret not betting on myself and that I would still find another job after this attempt,” Kang said.

She was happy that her fears disappeared when she became her own boss. She felt liberated because she could do a flexible job.

“I now choose the projects that I enjoy and no longer put too much pressure on myself to succeed. I work 30 to 40 hours a week and some weekends, but not because I have to, but because I want to. want.

Eric Yu suffered from panic attacks at work for six months

Eric Yu, 28, told BI that he spent his first two years at Facebook as a recent college graduate looking forward to a career in tech, but as the thrill of the new faded, fear took its place.

Long days of intense programming turned into long nights worrying about what still needed to be done. He stayed late to complete tasks, but still faced harsh criticism from engineers. He told BI that his overwork manifested itself in panic attacks that lasted for six months and left him debilitated.

“I was at the lowest point in my life. Every day felt like drudgery: I didn’t know what I was doing or why I was still working,” Yu said.

It was only when his boss seriously questioned his work performance that Yu promised himself to draw a line under it. Yu quit his job after thinking about alternative sources of income with his then-girlfriend (who is now his fiancée), Wanda, and decided to turn to house hacking.

“I know it sounds crazy to quit a $370,000 job, and staying at Meta for the rest of my life would have given me financial security, but I knew it wasn’t right for me.”

Now he earns passive income from real estate and uses his extra time to figure out what he really wants in life.

A former McKinsey employee had to take sick leave due to mental health problems

A former McKinsey employee, who asked to remain anonymous for privacy reasons, told BI that he knew his role as an associate would be tough, but he was willing to stick it out to sharpen his analytical skills. However, he didn’t expect his work to be so demanding.

He told BI that there was a lack of mentors, the demands were exceptionally high and colleagues were mean, all in grueling 16-hour shifts.

“I didn’t leave my desk, forgot to eat and lost tons of weight,” he admitted, “I barely even thought about going to the bathroom. It wasn’t until I noticed my dog ​​looking at me sadly that I thought about getting up.”

After one year he reached his limit.

“It literally drove me to the brink of exhaustion. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I cried more and more and took higher doses of anti-anxiety medication than I had ever needed before.”

Despite his $200,000 salary, he decided to take a three-month break from work.

The time he spent away from work only confirmed the severity of his condition, as he found it difficult to take care of himself or even leave his house. He decided to quit McKinsey to focus on his mental health.

A year after his resignation, he reported that his mental health had improved and he was ready to return to work.

“When looking for a new job, I look for companies that care about their employees, value inclusion and treat everyone with respect.

If you quit your job and want to share your story, email Lisa Dittrich at lisa.dittrich@businessinsider.de.

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