Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet

Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet Many families are increasingly adopting a flexitarian diet. June 5, 2024 around 12:51 Clock Nutritionist explains Awareness of a balanced and sustainable diet has increased significantly in recent years – and is more relevant than ever. Healthy, varied food is not only good […]

9 mins read

Health and environment: These are the benefits of a plant-based diet

Awareness of a balanced and sustainable diet has increased significantly in recent years – and is more relevant than ever. Healthy, varied food is not only good for your own health, but also for the health of our planet. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has also taken this into account and recently adapted its official […]

10 mins read

How “Young Carer” aims to support young adults in caring for their relatives

Nadjila Bendig-Behrens knows the situation of young caring relatives from her own experience. In an interview with the Sonntagsblatt newspaper, the 32-year-old health and care manager talks about her personal experiences caring for her sick mother and the goals of the “Young Carer Coach” project run by the “An Deiner Seite – Gerhard und Gertrud […]

8 mins read

Gender change as a false solution to psychological problems

When children and young people feel unwell during puberty, the solution in more and more cases is sex reassignment. However, the problem for many young people is not that they were born in the wrong body – but that they have psychological problems. This was the case, for example, with 17-year-old Katherine from Scotland, as […]

10 mins read

Hula Hoop Fitness: Quick Trick for a Flat Stomach and Slim Waist

Who doesn’t know the great toy from childhood: the hula hoop. Everyone has tried it at least once and tried to outdo their friends in the spins. What sounds like childish stuff is a serious fitness trend that primarily strengthens the core muscles. We’re talking about hula hoop! Even stars like Beyoncé, Kate Upton, Liv […]

9 mins read

Top psychologist: Self-care doesn’t just mean treating yourself to a bubble bath

Stefanie Stahl clears up misunderstanding: Top psychologist: Self-care doesn’t just mean treating yourself to a bubble bath e-mail Split More Twitter Press Feedback Report an error Spotted an Error? Please highlight the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you can report the error to the editors. There is no genetic engineering in […]

9 mins read