Psychiatric center in Thun: Young people have a negative view of the future

– “Young people’s vision of the future is apocalyptic” Opened five months ago, the psychiatric center for young adults in Thun has been fully booked since the beginning. Chief physician Stephan Kupferschmid explains why. Published today at 06:00 Stephan Kupferschmid, chief physician of the psychiatric center for young adults in Thun: “The focus on mental […]

12 mins read

Nutrition: The subliminal culture war over cow’s milk

MIt makes tired men cheerful? The pleasant-sounding advertising slogan from the post-war years in West Germany sounds out of date today. In addition to flexitarians who consciously eat less meat, there are more and more Germans who drink less cow’s milk out of conviction. Experts see this abstinence from milk as more than just a […]

9 mins read

Can’t lose weight? Which foods slow down your metabolism

Losing weight isn’t working? Fattening substances slow down the metabolism – and we don’t notice it Today, 03.06.2024 | 12:59 FOCUS online/Wochit Metabolism decides: That’s why some people just don’t lose weight More than half of Germans are overweight. According to nutrition expert Golo Willand, one of the reasons for this is so-called fattening substances. […]

13 mins read