Losing weight: Which factor influences our body weight much more than exercise

That’s why so many diets fail: exercise and calories overrated – which factors influence your weight much more e-mail Split More Twitter Press Feedback Report an error Spotted an Error? Please highlight the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you can report the error to the editors. There is no genetic engineering […]

11 mins read

Losing weight: Which factor influences our body weight much more than exercise

That’s why so many diets fail Exercise and calories overrated – which factors influence your weight much more Updated today, 31.05.2024 | 09:18 Bavarian radio Gained weight despite a healthy diet? Doctors on the “secret fatteners” It is not the amount of calories or how much exercise we do that determines whether we are slim […]

11 mins read

European elections 2024: Whoever votes makes the difference! – Your vote for nutrition

31.05.2024 – 09:00 ProVeg Germany European elections 2024: Whoever votes makes the difference! Your voice for nutrition Berlin, 31.05.2024 The European elections on June 9, 2024 are about nothing less than our food system and a sustainable future – from the European school milk program to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Farm to […]

7 mins read

Care: Next contribution increase soon?

Traffic light group without result:Care: Next contribution increase soon? by K. Hofmann and B. Spiekermann There is too little money in nursing care insurance. Everyone knows that, but nothing will change any time soon. A coalition working group ends today. Result: none. The statutory health insurance companies are calling for a fundamental restructuring of nursing […]

8 mins read

Nutrition: There is a subtle cultural battle raging over milk

MIt makes tired men cheerful? The pleasant-sounding advertising slogan from the post-war years in West Germany sounds out of date today. In addition to flexitarians who consciously eat less meat, there are more and more Germans who drink less cow’s milk out of conviction. Experts see this abstinence from milk as more than just a […]

9 mins read

Baden-Württemberg: Is the nursing care system looming? More and more people in need of care in BW

Status: 31.05.2024 05:11 a.m. At the beginning of the week, Federal Health Minister Lauterbach spoke of an explosive increase in the number of people in need of care. The trend is also increasing in Baden-Württemberg. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) caused shock with his announcement at the beginning of the week. The number of […]

8 mins read

Care: Lauterbach warns of increasing numbers of people in need of care

At the beginning of the week, Federal Health Minister Lauterbach spoke of an explosive increase in the number of people in need of care. The trend is also increasing in Baden-Württemberg. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) caused shock with his announcement at the beginning of the week. The number of people in need of […]

9 mins read

Avoid bogus self-employment in employment relationships

Many fitness studios are constantly looking for new trends and attractive offers for their members. Especially in the health and course area or in the broad field of personal training, external specialists are often hired, but they are not intended to be employed permanently (subject to social insurance contributions). Since many employees specialize in individual […]

10 mins read