Molecular analysis for ovarian cancer detection in patient-friendly samples

Study population This study prospectively included patients with a highly suspicious ovarian mass according to current triage methods (>40% risk of malignancy using the IOTA adnex model)29.30. Paired samples (ie, urine, cervicovaginal self-samples, and clinician-taken cervical scrapes) were consecutively collected within the SOLUTION1 study, between July 2018 and September 2022, at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek […]

10 mins read

Military medical care influenced by rank and race, new study finds

HHigher ranking military officers receive more resources and better care than low ranking military officers, according to an analysis of 1.5 million military ER visits published Thursday in the journal Science. The study also showed that white doctors spent less effort on Black patients, even when rank was taken into account: Higher ranking Black officers […]

11 mins read

Myria Meat: Real meat without animals should encourage conscious eating

“We make meat without animals,” explains Myria Meat CEO Florian Hüttner. More precisely: his start-up produces pork without pigs having to die. What he does is called cultivated meat. This is identical to the meat that people eat today. However, it is grown directly from animal cells. The start-up, founded in 2022, has developed a […]

9 mins read

Personalized Medicine Biomarkers Market Size and Trends 2024- Exploring Projected Growth at 16.3% CAGR reports that the The global Personalized Medicine Biomarkers Market was valued at USD 15.5 Billion in 2022. It is expected to reach USD 67.6 Billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 16.3% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032. Overview of the Personalized Medicine Biomarkers Market The Personalized Medicine Biomarkers Market focuses on […]

11 mins read

Lose weight healthily if you are obese by changing your diet | – Guide

As of: May 16, 2024 11:25 a.m If you are overweight, counting calories alone is not enough. If you want to lose weight, you have to bring structure to your meals and permanently change your diet: eat more of the right things, less of the wrong things. The only way to reduce weight in the […]

9 mins read

Mediterranean diet: My 7 simple tips for the Mediterranean diet

My Macedonian grandparents taught my family the Mediterranean diet.Alexander Spatari/Getty Images My family has been following the Mediterranean diet for decades. You can replace some of your usual meals and side dishes with vegetarian dishes like soups and salads. Fruit, vinegar and vegetables like peppers are some of the staples that I always have on […]

8 mins read