A vegetarian diet is so useful

A balanced, healthy diet includes a large proportion of fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend five servings per day. But more and more people are going even further and opting for a purely plant-based diet. Why? A vegetarian diet benefits many Advantages: for your own health for the climate for the economy to combat world hunger […]

11 mins read

Info-Tech Research Group Publishes Framework for Better Outcomes In Healthcare

Info-Tech Research Group’s latest industry research outlines the revolutionary potential of AI to personalize healthcare and offers key strategies for integrating AI-powered precision medicine into healthcare systems. The newly published blueprint provides actionable insights that enable healthcare organizations to enhance patient care and diagnostic accuracy through advanced AI applications, thereby improving treatment outcomes in the […]

9 mins read

Ex-military doctor: 4-ingredient smoothie to live longer, healthier

Spinach is a great sneaky vegetable for smoothies, but Jerome Adams has a secret second veggie.Johner Images/Getty Images Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams uses a simple trick to incorporate more vegetables into his diet. Adams shares his simple smoothie recipe that helps him avoid highly processed foods and live longer. The citrusy smoothie contains […]

5 mins read

As a couple against loneliness and depression

Online intervention helps to promote social skills and reduce psychological problems Mental health issues, loneliness and polarization are increasing rapidly, especially after the Covid19 pandemic. A new large-scale research study, the CovSocial project led by Tania Singer of the Max Planck Society, is helping people reconnect with themselves, others and society at large. Recent results […]

7 mins read

As a couple against loneliness and depression

Online intervention helps to promote social skills and reduce psychological problems Mental health issues, loneliness and polarization are increasing rapidly, especially after the Covid19 pandemic. A new large-scale research study, the CovSocial project led by Tania Singer of the Max Planck Society, is helping people reconnect with themselves, others and society at large. Recent results […]

7 mins read

How ‘Digital Twin’ Technology Harnesses Biology and Computing to Power Personalized Medicine

Medical ‘Digital Twins’ Will Lead the Way to Personalized Medicine We face a moment of opportunity—and competition—in bringing digital twin technology to patients By Reinhard C. Laubenbacher Simon Carter Peter Crowther/Getty Images In March, China’s Xi Jinping announced that “digital twin” technology, which uses computer simulation to manage real-world systems, is one of six “new […]

9 mins read

Fitness in primary school age: How unathletic our children are

Children are less athletic and less mobile than in the years before the pandemic. The Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation has published its new fitness barometer – with these results. On the day that the Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation announced how worrying the fitness of three- to ten-year-olds was, not a single child at Michelfeld Elementary […]

9 mins read

Fitness in primary school age: Our children are so unathletic

Children are less athletic and less mobile than in the years before the pandemic. The Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation has published its new fitness barometer – with these results. On the day that the Children’s Gymnastics Foundation of the State of Baden-Württemberg announces how worrying the fitness of three to ten year olds is, not […]

9 mins read

It’s not quite Grey’s Anatomy but a career in medicine can be very rewarding – The Irish Times

Doctors running around hospitals, a constant stream of life-saving, innovative surgeries and sleeping with your colleagues. These are all things that fans of Grey’s Anatomy know all too well. The reality of a career in medicine or the health sciences is a far cry from the constant drama depicted on television. But that isn’t necessarily […]

9 mins read