Insights into neural stem cell research » BRAIN AND PATH » SciLogs

Doctors are regularly confronted with diseases whose cruelty is heartbreaking. Epidermolysis Bullosa is such a disease: the skin of the terminally ill reacts to even the slightest contact and stimuli with blistering and peeling, so that infections, scars and pain become a constant companion. Most of those affected die in childhood and adolescence. This made […]

9 mins read

Helping hands from overseas: How 13 young Brazilians were recruited for nursing in Saxony

What does “Nu nu” mean? Yes, no, I don’t care? At first, Beatriz de Almeida Marques had a hard time understanding these regional subtleties. Learning German is already difficult enough for a young Brazilian. Just this “R” for emergency services… Until last year, the 27-year-old only knew Germany from books and the Internet. “When I […]

13 mins read

Dr. Riedl warns – These processed foods make you sick

Hamburg. Nutrition expert Dr. Riedl warns against “consumer deception” and “sick-making” foods. This system is intended to help with shopping. In the supermarket, there are meter-long shelves with lots of colorful packaging. There you can find a wide variety of processed and highly processed foods. Dr. Matthias Riedl even speaks of a “nutritional hostile environment”. […]

9 mins read

Dr. Riedl warns – These processed foods make you sick

Hamburg. Nutrition expert Dr. Riedl warns against “consumer deception” and “sick-making” foods. This system is intended to help with shopping. In the supermarket, there are meter-long shelves with lots of colorful packaging. There you can find a wide variety of processed and highly processed foods. Dr. Matthias Riedl even speaks of a “nutritional hostile environment”. […]

9 mins read

DZPG targets risk factors

Split: 24.06.2024 13:07 Using research to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: DZPG targets risk factors Up to 20 percent of children and young people in Germany have a mental disorder. But not all children are equally at risk. The German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) is conducting many projects specifically for groups affected […]

8 mins read

DZPG targets risk factors

Share on: 06/24/2024 13:07 Using research to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: DZPG targets risk factors Up to 20 percent of children and young people in Germany have a mental disorder. But not all children are equally at risk. The German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) is conducting many projects specifically for groups […]

8 mins read

This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: …

This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: DZPG targets risk factors Berlin, 24.6.2024 – Up to 20 percent of children and young people in Germany have a mental disorder. But not all children are equally at risk. At the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), many projects are being […]

10 mins read