“We have a pandemic of psychological stress”

Are there differences between girls and boys?Basically both genders are affected, but perhaps a few more girls. Above all, psychological stress manifests itself very differently in girls and boys: girls react more often with internalizing symptoms such as anxiety or eating disorders, while boys are more likely to show externalizing behavior, for example increased aggressiveness. […]

8 mins read

Matter of medicine? Matter of witchcraft?

by Lisa Rocke (09.07.2023) Shu Lea Cheang/ Ewen Chardronnet: UNBORN0x9, installation, MU Artspace, Eindhoven, 2022 Artificial wombs, silicone breast binders with living cancer cells and tissue culture from menstrual blood: The project space Art Laboratory Berlin is showing from 27 May to 9 July with MATTER OF FLUX an exhibition that is queer feminist, refreshingly […]

10 mins read

A little story about Swiss doctors who eradicated goiter

Short story of Swiss doctors who eradicated goiter – Spectrum of Science Go directly to the content Hemmer and Meßner tell October 19, 2022 Reading time approx. 5 minutes Press Split Hemmer and Meßner tell: Short story about three Swiss doctors who eradicated goiter To combat iodine deficiency, three Swiss country doctors developed a comprehensive […]

10 mins read

Allgäu market town Bad Hindelang presents new book – original recipes, …

Eating and cooking in Bad Hindelang means (contemporary) history and stories, alpine farming and organic farming. Sustainable awareness raising for the local mountain and alpine economy, strengthening regional cycles and stimulating demand for local products are omnipresent. In the book “Easse und ‘s olte Wisse”, which the market community Bad Hindelang has now been published […]

8 mins read

Personalized medicine – treating patients individually

Every patient is different. And yet medicine usually treats them the same, using established standard procedures. Wouldn’t it be better if the therapy was as individual as the patients? Download audio (26.3 MB | MP3) Personalized medicine instead of focusing on the average patient One of the achievements of modern medicine is that it helps […]

8 mins read