Care 2025: Which benefits will be increased in January?
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Care 2025: Which benefits will be increased in January?

The 2023 nursing care reform already brought about changes last year – such as higher contributions to nursing care insurance. A lot has also changed in nursing care in 2024. For example, the benefit amounts for nursing care allowance and nursing care benefits in kind were increased by five percent. According to the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), a further increase is due from January 2025. It is planned that “all nursing care insurance benefit amounts will increase by 4.5 percent on January 1, 2025 – both in the home and in the semi- and full-time inpatient sectors,” a spokeswoman for the BMG explains to us when asked. But what exactly does that mean and which benefits are to be increased?

Care 2025: Which services will be adjusted in January?

When it comes to the planned increases for January 1, 2025, the BMG only speaks of “all benefits from nursing care insurance.” This means cash and benefits in kind. A distinction is also made between home care and partially and fully inpatient care. But what does this include and what does it not?

In principle, “all benefits of nursing care insurance” are included, explains Lara Röder, press officer of the nursing portal pflege.deupon request. As examples, she mentions consumable nursing aids, short-term care and respite care, measures to improve the living environment and subsidies for outpatient living groups. But: “Technical aids are not included, however, because they fall under the cost reimbursement or co-payment principle.”

These nursing services from the BMG’s management overview will be increased and adjusted on January 1, 2025:

  • Care allowance
  • Care benefits in kind
  • Day and night care
  • Short-term care
  • Preventative care
  • Full-time care
  • Relief amount
  • Consumable care aids
  • Grant for housing adaptation
  • Residential group surcharge

By the way: After the increase in 2025, the care insurance benefits will be adjusted to inflation every three years. The next increase will therefore take place on January 1, 2028. However, it is not yet known how high this will be.

Care allowance increase: How high will it be from January 2025?

The care allowance was already increased by five percent on January 1, 2024. Now it will increase by 4.5 percent together with the remaining care benefits. According to the BMG, people in need of care who are cared for at home by relatives, for example, and who have at least care level 2 are entitled to the benefit. With care level 1, there is therefore no entitlement.

This is how the care allowance will increase on January 1, 2025:

Increase in care benefits in kind: How much money will be available from 2025?

Just like with nursing care allowance, you are only entitled to care benefits in kind for home care from care level 2. The benefit can be used for care provided by an outpatient care service. It was last increased in January 2024.

This is how the care benefit in kind will increase on January 1, 2025:

Care needs Care benefits in kind 2024 Care benefits in kind 2025
Care level 1 no claim no claim
Care level 2 761 euros 795 euros
Care level 3 1432 euros 1496 euros
Care level 4 1778 euros 1858 euros
Care level 5 2200 euros 2299 euros

By the way: Since both the care allowance and the care benefits in kind are being increased by 4.5 percent, the so-called combination benefit is also increasing. According to the BMG, people in need of care who do not fully use up the amount of the care benefit in kind and are also entitled to care allowance can have this paid out pro rata with the combination benefit.

Increase in day and night care: How high will the benefit be from 2025?

Day and night care is part of semi-inpatient care and is provided during the day or at night. According to the BMG, it is intended to supplement home care if this cannot otherwise be provided to the required extent. Entitlement to the service also only exists from care level 2.

This is how day and night care will increase on January 1, 2025:

Care needs Day and night care 2024 Day and night care 2025
Care level 1 no claim no claim
Care level 2 689 euros 720 euros
Care level 3 1298 euros 1356 euros
Care level 4 1612 euros 1685 euros
Care level 5 1995 euros 2085 euros

Short-term care and respite care: What will change in 2025? – Relief budget explained

According to the BMG, both short-term care and respite care are available to people in need of care from care level 2 onwards. These services are also intended to supplement or replace home care. However, the level of benefits is not based on the care level, but is fixed.

Currently, people in need of care can claim up to 1,774 euros per year for up to eight weeks of short-term care. This amount can be supplemented with unused funds from respite care and increased to up to 3,386 euros. People in need of care can claim up to 1,612 euros per year for up to six weeks of respite care. Here, too, the financing can be combined and the amount increased – to up to 2,418 euros. A maximum of 806 euros can be transferred from unused funds from short-term care.

If both benefits increase by 4.5 percent on January 1, 2025, a maximum of 1,854 euros will be available for short-term care and a maximum of 1,685 euros for respite care.

Another innovation will then follow on July 1, 2025. According to the BMG, the financing of both services will then be made easier with the introduction of the relief budget. They will then be paid from one pot – without complicated transfer rules. A total of 3,539 euros will then be available for short-term care and respite care.

By the way: Young people in need of care with a care level of 4 or 5 have been able to use the benefit since this year. The relief budget was introduced early for this group.

Full-time inpatient care from 2025: How much will the benefit be from January?

Care in nursing homes is considered particularly expensive. The upcoming increase should therefore be a ray of hope for those in need of care. According to the BMG, nursing insurance pays a flat rate for inpatient care from care level 2 onwards, depending on the level of care. This will also increase on January 1, 2025.

This is how the increase for inpatient care will look in 2025:

Care needs inpatient care 2024 inpatient care 2025
Care level 1 no claim no claim
Care level 2 770 euros 805 euros
Care level 3 1262 euros 1319 euros
Care level 4 1775 euros 1855 euros
Care level 5 2005 euros 2095 euros

Relief amount increases: How high will the increase be in 2025?

According to the BMG, the relief amount is aimed at all those in need of care – even those with care level 1. They currently have 125 euros per month at their disposal, i.e. a total of 1,500 euros per year. The amount is earmarked for services to relieve the burden on caring relatives and to promote the independence and self-determination of those in need of care. However, the benefit does not have to be used up every month; any remaining amounts can be carried over to subsequent months.

With an increase of 4.5 percent, the relief amount in nursing care will rise by around 6 euros to 131 euros on January 1, 2025. People in need of care would then be entitled to benefits of 1,572 euros per year.

But: If you don’t round the numbers when calculating, the relief amount only increases by 5.63 euros to 130.63 euros. This would only leave 1567.56 euros available per year, i.e. 4.44 euros less. The BMG has not yet announced the exact figures.

Nursing aids for consumption from 2025: How much money is available to those in need of care?

According to the BMG, nursing aids are intended to make care at home easier. Nursing aids intended for consumption can include disposable gloves, disinfectants or bed pads. The nursing insurance covers the costs of up to 40 euros per month. With an increase of 4.5 percent, this amount will rise to 42 euros on January 1, 2025.

By the way: Consumable nursing aids can also be ordered in the form of care packages, but those in need of care should protect themselves against fraud.

Housing adaptation grant: How much money will be available from 2025?

According to the BMG, people in need of care with care levels from 1 to 5 can receive a subsidy for adaptation measures if this enables or significantly facilitates home care in the apartment or if the person in need of care can live more independently as a result. Housing adaptations are currently subsidized with up to 4,000 euros. With the increase of 4.5 percent, this amount rises by 180 euros to 4,180 euros.

Residential group surcharge increases: How high will it be from January 2025?

Most people only know shared apartments – short for shared flats – from their time at university, but according to the BMG, people in need of care can also form outpatient residential groups. Care shared apartments are particularly promoted by the nursing care insurance. Therefore, people in need of care who receive care allowance, care benefits in kind, the combined benefit or the relief amount and live in a shared apartment can receive a residential group supplement. This is currently a flat rate of 214 euros per month, regardless of the level of care required. With the planned increase of 4.5 percent on January 1, 2025, this amount will rise to 224 euros.

Notice: As a spokesperson for the BMG explained to us when asked, the new nursing care insurance benefit amounts, which will apply from January 2025, are to be published by the BMG in the Federal Gazette. However, there are currently no official figures available. Therefore, the information is based on our own calculations, based on an increase of 4.5 percent and the current benefit level. We have rounded the amounts to whole euros. We do not accept any liability for their accuracy.

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