Can I build muscle while jogging?

Cardio and strength training sessions are typically considered useful for different purposes: running is designed to move your body, burn calories, and train your cardiovascular system, while a dumbbell workout is designed to build strength and muscle. This is the supposed order of things. But maybe you see a muscular guy on your run and […]

9 mins read

Can I build muscle while jogging?

Cardio and strength training sessions are typically considered useful for different purposes: running is designed to move your body, burn calories, and train your cardiovascular system, while a dumbbell workout is designed to build strength and muscle. This is the supposed order of things. But maybe you see a muscular guy on your run and […]

8 mins read

Fitness: The beach vacation is approaching – How often do you have to train for a beach body?

JEvery summer, the battle against the love handles begins again for many people – a decent beach body is needed, and as quickly as possible. It should now be clear that this cannot be achieved with a starvation diet alone. Only a healthy diet and a strict exercise plan can actually help. But how often […]

11 mins read

Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness: Individual health concepts for a …

Berlin (ots) As a personal trainer, nutritional therapist and coach with various additional qualifications, Mone Dusek offers her customers individual health concepts that take all personal needs into account. With her enormous expertise and holistic approach, the founder of Enduring Fitness manages to motivate her customers in the long term and achieve sustainable results. In […]

8 mins read

Fitness in primary school age: Our children are so unathletic

Children are less athletic and less mobile than in the years before the pandemic. The Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation has published its new fitness barometer – with these results. On the day that the Children’s Gymnastics Foundation of the State of Baden-Württemberg announces how worrying the fitness of three to ten year olds is, not […]

9 mins read