Psychological stress at work not only harms those affected, it also leads to

Effectiveness control as the key to effective health management in companies. Companies can use the risk assessment of psychological stress to identify working conditions that make people unwell and mitigate them with suitable measures. “The risk assessment of psychological stress initiates a process of change: after the analysis and appropriate measures, the effectiveness control follows […]

7 mins read

Six forms of depression identified – Mental illness manifests itself in different biotypes

Neuronal differences: Depression is not the same as depression – there are apparently at least six different subtypes, as researchers have discovered. These biotypes can be identified using brain scans. Because they are based on different functional disorders, not all of them respond to common antidepressants. In the future, brain scans could make diagnosis easier […]

8 mins read

Let go of stress! How trauma arises and disappears

The diagnosis and number of mental illnesses and disorders are increasing rapidly. New findings on the origin and development of stress-related illnesses such as trauma or depression are opening up new avenues for diagnosis and individual treatment. Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event – such as a serious accident, a natural disaster, the loss of […]

9 mins read

For a decade, the Frankfurt Network for Suicide Prevention has been helping to save lives

The FRANS team of the health department: Dr. Christinane Schlang, Victoria Dichter, Inga Beig and Nora Hausschild (from left to right). (Photo: Health Department Frankfurt am Main) Inform, raise awareness, help – for ten years, the Frankfurt Network for Suicide Prevention (FRANS) has been helping to prevent suicides. The network was founded in June 2014 […]

13 mins read

Mental illness as the main cause of occupational disability!

Specialists, therapists and health politicians are sounding the alarm: mental illnesses are increasing throughout Germany. Depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses are not only responsible for increasing work absences, but also responsible for increasing numbers of occupational disabilitiesMental illness can cause immense suffering for those affected and their relatives. But what illnesses are involved, […]

9 mins read

Withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants are rarer than thought – Health

She had not expected this when, at the age of 50 and in “excellent physical condition,” as she reports, she was prescribed paroxetine to combat stress at work. She was already suspicious when the first side effects appeared: sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness, and then, at some point, a lack of motivation. But the doctors should […]

10 mins read

Gender change as a false solution to psychological problems

When children and young people feel unwell during puberty, the solution in more and more cases is sex reassignment. However, the problem for many young people is not that they were born in the wrong body – but that they have psychological problems. This was the case, for example, with 17-year-old Katherine from Scotland, as […]

10 mins read