“Understanding that there are others who have experienced something similar is important”

Home page Frankfurt Was standing: May 12, 2024, 4:36 p.m PressSplit The psychotherapist Annalena Köhnlein in the obstetrics ward, house 15, of the university clinic. © Renate Hoyer Anna-Lena Köhnlein, psychotherapist in the maternity ward at the university hospital, talks about the need to remove the taboo surrounding mental illnesses surrounding childbirth. Why is the […]

9 mins read

Mental health: Karl Lauterbach presents a strategy for suicide prevention

The federal government wants to reduce the number of suicides in Germany with better prevention. Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has presented a national suicide prevention strategy that is intended to serve this goal. Among other things, it provides for more information on this topic. “We have to overcome the social taboo of […]

11 mins read

Stop being silent about mental health in the workplace!

War in Ukraine and the Middle East, political and financial uncertainty – these current events have an immense impact on our mental health. Nevertheless, in most companies there seems to be little discussion about these topics and their effects. This silence is fatal because psychological well-being in the workplace plays a crucial role in the […]

10 mins read

The Supply Pipeline | Rotary International

The supply pipeline When a Colorado hospital system declared a youth mental health emergency, Rotary members jumped into action Text: Etelka Lehoczky The chief medical officer at Colorado Children’s Hospital had never seen anything like it. Suicide had become the leading cause of death among adolescents ages 10 to 18, and there were times in […]

10 mins read

Psychological problems in football: When fear plays a role – football

Lina Bürger, ex-professional footballer and Hoffenheim sports psychologist, found out in a study: In winter, at the beginning of the second half of the season, players feel worse psychologically. Lina Bürger was 11 when national soccer player Sebastian Deisler ended his career at the beginning of 2007 due to psychological problems. Almost three years later, […]

9 mins read