Mental health – Depression in men: Talk about it instead of remaining lonely and silent – Knowledge

Efficient, unflappable, successful: what a man should be like is often determined by stereotypes. The now 28-year-old professional footballer Francisco Rodriguez also got caught up in this role model. Until his psyche couldn’t cope anymore. Steep career, deep fall Even at a young age, he was predicted to have a great football career. The Zurich […]

9 mins read

“Unprecedented stress”: Founders suffer from mental crisis

Many founders are suffering: their stress levels are rising due to a lack of investor money. And although “panicked founders” are not an exception, many suffer on their own. The current financial situation increases the already high pressure on startup foundersiStock; Rebeca Zisser/Insider A funding backlog in the early stages. A closed window for IPOs. […]

5 mins read

Countries in Central Asia are looking to Trieste for secrets to success in community-based reform of mental health care

In the 1970s, Trieste forever changed psychiatric care in Italy by closing its psychiatric hospital and moving to a community-based model of care that was entirely user-focused. Within a few years, the rest of the country followed suit. The city continued this history of innovation by hosting, for the first time, from October 17 to […]

9 mins read

Why Berlin is focusing on the mental health of its citizens

The corona pandemic has probably left its mark on everyone. All ages, all professional groups, all regions were affected. Vulnerable groups in particular have suffered in recent years. Children and young people, the elderly and the sick, people with low incomes and people with mental illnesses. All the fears, insecurities, the economic losses, the drifting […]

8 mins read

Mental illness: Too little support for students

More and more students are struggling with psychological stress. But colleges and universities are not sufficiently prepared for this. The German Student Union is calling for more advice and support services. Download Audio (4.3 MB | MP3) The number of students with mental disabilities and illnesses increased by 12 percentage points from 2016 to 2021, […]

7 mins read

Mental illnesses in employees: Mental health should not be taboo

Mental health is a blind spot in social debate. Mental illnesses among young people in particular have increased during the corona pandemic. Overall, the proportion of days missed due to psychological suffering has also increased. Data also shows that the mental health of many people in Germany has deteriorated significantly since 2016. But unlike physical […]

8 mins read

Investing in a more resilient European region with better systems

Copenhagen, October 10, 2023 Mental health systems in the European Region are not suitable for the conditions currently prevailing in the world. In a region where one in seven suffers from a mental illness, too few people receive any support and care. Many people continue to be discriminated against because they seek psychiatric help – […]

7 mins read

“Give mental health the attention it deserves” – Poland uses WHO tool to better address mental health needs

Recently, Poland launched the WHO Action Program on Closing Mental Health Care Gaps (mhGAP), an evidence-based approach to expanding mental health capacity and services, as part of its national health program, taking a significant step towards becoming stronger to address the unmet mental health needs of the population. Poland, like many other countries in the […]

7 mins read

Crises and fear of the future: How we strengthen our resilience | – Guide

Status: 10.10.2023 12:18 p.m. Corona, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and most recently the attack on Israel: the constant crises scare many people. By strengthening our resilience, we can deal with them better. Tips from the expert. There was a time when bad news might shock us, but rarely affected us directly. That […]

10 mins read