Lose weight healthily if you are obese by changing your diet | NDR.de – Guide

As of: May 16, 2024 11:25 a.m If you are overweight, counting calories alone is not enough. If you want to lose weight, you have to bring structure to your meals and permanently change your diet: eat more of the right things, less of the wrong things. The only way to reduce weight in the […]

9 mins read

Mediterranean diet: My 7 simple tips for the Mediterranean diet

My Macedonian grandparents taught my family the Mediterranean diet.Alexander Spatari/Getty Images My family has been following the Mediterranean diet for decades. You can replace some of your usual meals and side dishes with vegetarian dishes like soups and salads. Fruit, vinegar and vegetables like peppers are some of the staples that I always have on […]

8 mins read

A vegetarian diet is so useful

A balanced, healthy diet includes a large proportion of fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend five servings per day. But more and more people are going even further and opting for a purely plant-based diet. Why? A vegetarian diet benefits many Advantages: for your own health for the climate for the economy to combat world hunger […]

11 mins read

Ex-military doctor: 4-ingredient smoothie to live longer, healthier

Spinach is a great sneaky vegetable for smoothies, but Jerome Adams has a secret second veggie.Johner Images/Getty Images Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams uses a simple trick to incorporate more vegetables into his diet. Adams shares his simple smoothie recipe that helps him avoid highly processed foods and live longer. The citrusy smoothie contains […]

5 mins read

The underestimated superfood for blood, circulation and digestion

Vitamin donor beetroot Good for blood and circulation Digestion benefits from beetroot Beetroot could be one of the most underestimated superfoods: The tuber tastes a bit earthy, and when it is pickled, a sour taste is added. That’s why children, but also many adults, often grimace when they hear beetroot. “But that’s a real shame, […]

9 mins read

Nutrition: Morning, lunch, evening – this is what a sports professional should have on their plate

FOCUS online The perfect breakfast: Professor explains what should be on your plate in the morning Home office, online meetings, convenience food and delivery services: especially in the last three years, our eating habits have changed fundamentally due to many circumstances. One topic that has not become less important is your own health. And in […]

13 mins read