The Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt is taking a stand for the nursing profession

Andrea Seltsam has just completed her training as a nursing specialist. As the best in her year. And as one of the oldest. Andrea Seltsam is 38 years old, mother of three, trained bank clerk and trained beautician. The fact that she still took on the demanding training to become a nursing specialist again “was […]

8 mins read

Anastasia Kirjanow from ZHP-Pflege: What the legalization of cannabis means for …

Kruft (ots) Pharmaceutical pain medications have strong side effects and lead to habituation effects when taken long-term – but until now, older people and patients with chronic illnesses were dependent on these medications. Is the legalization of cannabis a ray of hope for pain management? Anyone who has to take painkillers over a longer period […]

7 mins read