Helping hands from overseas: How 13 young Brazilians were recruited for nursing in Saxony

What does “Nu nu” mean? Yes, no, I don’t care? At first, Beatriz de Almeida Marques had a hard time understanding these regional subtleties. Learning German is already difficult enough for a young Brazilian. Just this “R” for emergency services… Until last year, the 27-year-old only knew Germany from books and the Internet. “When I […]

13 mins read

Care 2025: Which benefits will be increased in January?

The 2023 nursing care reform already brought about changes last year – such as higher contributions to nursing care insurance. A lot has also changed in nursing care in 2024. For example, the benefit amounts for nursing care allowance and nursing care benefits in kind were increased by five percent. According to the Federal Ministry […]

11 mins read

Pact for Care | Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection

The state parliament plenum debated the topic today in a current affairs session “Tackling the challenges of care policy: Brandenburg’s “Pact for Care” – a nationwide model?” Social Minister Ursula Nonnemacher said in her speech: “The Ensuring nursing care In view of demographic developments, this is one of the greatest socio-political challenges of our time. […]

13 mins read

Red Cross chief warns: “People in need of care are increasingly under-served”

Home page politics Was standing: 19.06.2024, 10:58 a.m. From: Moritz Maier PressSplit A lot of things are going wrong in nursing, complains Gerda Hasselfeldt of the Red Cross in an interview. There are solutions – if decision-makers take action. Berlin – Gerda Hasselfeldt has been President of the German Red Cross (DRK) since 2017. The […]

11 mins read

Generalism as an opportunity for training companies

After years of discussion, the Nursing Professions Act was passed in Germany in June 2017. The introduction of generalist nursing training was intended to offer high-quality, contemporary qualifications to all people interested in a nursing career. The debate as to whether the expectations placed on this standardization will be met is still ongoing. The sponsoring […]

8 mins read