Cureus completes Belia Seniorenresidenz Herne with around 160 nursing places

Healthcare / Care | Projects Herne, 18.06.2024 Source: Cureus / Author: Arne von Hörsten Visualization Belia Seniorenresidenz Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia, a project of Cureus. 80 nursing places for full-time, short-term and respite care, 55 places in the “Piepenfritz” house community and day care with 27 places completed Public restaurant in the building, hairdresser with pedicure, […]

9 mins read

Heidi Klum recommends these affordable beauty products from the drugstore

Heidi Klum has been a multitalented star in front of the cameras and on stage for over 30 years. And she still looks as fresh and radiant as she did at the start of her modeling career. How does she do it? We’ve found out which skincare and make-up products the top model relies on. […]

11 mins read

“Outpatient care” soon also in northern Swabia?

Nursing homes are expensive and there is a lack of skilled workers. In Wyhl near Freiburg, they are taking a different approach: residents and relatives help with household chores. The model is now set to come to northern Swabia. Barbaralore Willmann’s furrowed hands guide the knife expertly through the iceberg lettuce. The 93-year-old is […]

13 mins read

What it can be used for

If people become in need of care, relatives, friends or acquaintances in Germany often decide to look after and care for them at home. In some cases, they may even receive money for this and it is also possible for the cost to be credited towards their pension. Nevertheless, care at home requires a lot […]

8 mins read