These 6 inexpensive home remedies and care tips will conjure up beautiful hair

Hardly anyone with medium-length or long hair doesn’t know the problem: the ends of the hair become dry, look brittle and dull and split. We reveal how you can prevent broken ends and how you can remove split ends in your hair without losing much length. What is split ends? Take a strand of hair […]

12 mins read

Planting, caring for and cutting mallows in the garden | – Guide – Garden

Status: 22.05.2024 14:16 In addition to the wild mallow, there are many other varieties of hardy and undemanding summer bloomers. Some mallow species thrive in beds as well as in pots. What should be considered when it comes to location and care? In addition to the Hollyhocks, wild mallow, bush mallow and musk mallow are […]

8 mins read

What cuddly robots could bring to the care of dementia patients

The other day I was scouring the internet looking for a robot dog. I wanted a belated birthday present for my aunt who had recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Studies suggest that a companion animal can alleviate some of the loneliness, fear, and anxiety that accompany Alzheimer’s disease. My aunt would like a real […]

8 mins read

WIdOmonitor: Caring relatives spend an average of 49 hours per week on…

Berlin (ots) Survey shows: Almost one in four primary carers between the ages of 18 and 65 have reduced or completely given up their employment due to taking on home care Caring relatives still spend a lot of time providing care at home: While respondents reported 43 hours per week in 2019, in 2023 this […]

8 mins read

Gelnhausen: High sickness rates in nursing

Main-Kinzig district. There are alarming figures that the Techniker Krankenkasse recently presented: geriatric and nursing staff from Hesse who are insured by TK were on sick leave for an average of almost a month last year. That’s ten days more than in any other professional group. The health insurance company sees the reason for the […]

12 mins read