Diet for acne: Which foods are suitable?  | – Guide
8 mins read

Diet for acne: Which foods are suitable? | – Guide

As of: March 4, 2024 10:00 a.m

Hormones and inflammatory processes are responsible for acne – that’s why there should be less sugar, white flour products and meat on the table, and instead more anti-inflammatory and gut-healthy foods.

An anti-inflammatory diet can help to reduce skin inflammation: lots of vegetables, some low-sugar fruit, high-quality vegetable oils, little meat, and occasionally fish. In particular, the intake of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids shows Study shows a positive effect on the complexion. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in linseed oil, nuts, seeds and fatty sea fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel.

A healthy intestinal microbiome also counteracts inflammation. With the help of fiber, Prebiotics and probiotics can be used to build healthy intestinal flora and reduce acne breakouts.

Avoid quickly absorbed carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, white flour products), which lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, as well as highly processed foods and pork.

Skipping milk, sugar, and other “triggers” can be helpful

Certain foods are suspected of worsening the condition of the skin in acne. Cow’s milk (products) and sugar in particular can sometimes promote the release of substances that stimulate the sebaceous glands. The best way to determine which foods have an unfavorable effect on the skin is by following an elimination diet: avoid possible triggers – such as cow’s milk – for several months and then reintroduce them one at a time, while writing a food and symptom diary.

VIDEO: Be careful with acne: milk is a crucial trigger (5 min)

Nutrition for acne – the most important tips

  • Anti-inflammatory diet: Omega-3 fatty acids high-quality linseed or hemp oil with cold dishes and salads as well as fish containing omega-3 such as salmon, herring or mackerel (twice a week); Spices such as B. Oregano, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon (but not too much spicy, no mixed spices), a lot Vegetables (3 handfuls daily), Fruit in moderation (1 handful is enough).
  • Few Meat – if, preferably poultry. Avoid pork: it contains a lot of inflammatory arachidonic acid.
  • Sugar and white flour products are considered to promote inflammation – please restricteven hidden sugar from finished products!
  • Cow’s milk and cow’s milk products are suspected of making acne worse. Therefore, it is best to avoid it completely for 3-4 months. If there is no significant improvement, the cow’s milk diet can be relaxed.
  • Aim for normal weightas excess belly fat fuels inflammation.
  • Keep breaks of several hours between meals, Avoid snacks between meals. Emergency snacks: Nuts, snacks or a low-sugar smoothie (e.g. with dandelion, cucumber, blueberries/blackberries and beetroot, kohlrabi or carrot leaves).
  • Eat variedso that you are supplied with all the important nutrients. When avoiding cow’s milk (products) calcium Drink calcium-rich mineral water and vegetables such as broccoli and fennel.
  • The skin often reflects this Intestinal and liver health contrary. For one For a healthy gut, make sure you have enough fiber (vegetables, whole grains), incorporate prebiotics (e.g. in chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, onions, garlic, salsify) and probiotics (from fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut (juice) or kombucha) into your diet. To stimulate liver activity: bitter substances (e.g. rocket, chicory).
  • Avoid coffee and alcohol – promote blood circulation, which promotes the formation of pimples. Recommended drinks, on the other hand, are nettle and dandelion tea, which stimulate excretion via the kidneys.

What to eat for acne: foods and recipes

Eating to improve skin condition: Here you will find suitable recipes and food lists (also available for download).

Further information

Ratatouille in the pot.  © NDR Photo: Claudia Timmann

Little meat, no milk and low in sugar: these delicious dishes are beneficial for people who suffer from acne. more

Wooden signpost with the inscriptions "perhaps", "incorrect", "correct" and "it depends".  © Chris_pl/fotolia Photo: Chris_pl

Anti-inflammatory, low in sugar, little sausage: The most important information and food recommendations for acne at a glance. Download (84 KB)

2 palm-sized portions/day

  • Recommended: Whole grain bread (preferably made from oats, spelt, rye, rice flour, corn flour); Mueslis and (pseudo) grain products made from oats, spelt, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa; Jacket potatoes, polenta, rice, rice noodles, corn noodles, Asian glass noodles, buckwheat noodles (soba)
  • Not recommended: White bread, toast, croissants, crispbread, rusks, pretzels; white flour products; durum wheat pasta, couscous, bulgur, peeled rice, chips, croquettes, mashed potatoes, pancakes, potato pancakes; Fast food, ready meals

Further information

A young woman with acne on her face looks critically at herself in a mirror.  © Colourbox Photo: Ievgen Chabanov

For hormonal reasons, too much sebum and horny cells are produced in acne. The pimples are a major burden for many people. more

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The Nutrition Docs | 03/04/2024 | 9:00 p.m

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