Effectiveness and safety of telehealth medication abortion in the USA
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Effectiveness and safety of telehealth medication abortion in the USA


The CHAT study was approved by the University of California, San Francisco institutional review board (no. 20-32951) and registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (registration: NCT04432792). We used Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology guidelines to design and report the results of this study. All survey respondents provided consent to participate in the research.

Data source and study cohort

The CHAT study followed the patients of three US virtual abortion clinics: Choix (which opened in October 2020); Hey Jane (which opened in January 2021); and Abortion on Demand (which opened in April 2021). These virtual clinics were selected because they were among the first to open in the USA after the FDA temporarily suspended the in-person dispensing requirement during the COVID-19 emergency, and because they operated in states with large populations.

Medication protocols included 200 mg mifepristone orally and 800 µg misoprostol buccally or vaginally for pregnancy durations less than 63 days or 1,600 µg for pregnancy durations of 63 or more days. Care was provided based on a published protocol19 by nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, physician assistants and doctors who specialize in abortion care. Clinics offered synchronous (video) or asynchronous (secure text messaging) telehealth abortion with mail order pharmacy delivery. One clinic offered only synchronous medication abortion care, one offered only asynchronous care and one offered asynchronous care with an option to have a phone or video call with the provider if preferred. Patients learned about the services through web searches, social media or referrals.

During the study period, one clinic offered abortion care up to 56 days (8 weeks) of pregnancy, whereas the two other clinics offered it up to 70 days (10 weeks). As per the published protocol, patients were evaluated for medical eligibility based on the reported medical history. Pregnancy duration at intake was primarily based on self-reported date of last menstrual period or by ultrasonography, if available. Some patients had already had ultrasound before contacting the virtual clinic. Additionally, patients were referred for pre-abortion ultrasonography if they had any risk factors for, or symptoms of, ectopic pregnancy19 or were potentially beyond the gestational limit of the virtual clinic. Some of these patients returned to the virtual clinic after their eligibility was confirmed by ultrasonography and obtained a telehealth abortion; thus, they were included in the study. Others opted for in-person care and thus were excluded.

Each clinic had two scheduled follow-up interactions. The first confirmed medication administration and assessed symptoms of complete abortion 3–7 days after intake. The second was a low-sensitivity pregnancy test at 2 weeks or a high-sensitivity test at 4 weeks after medication administration. Follow-up interactions were conducted by text messaging, secure messaging or telephone. At each scheduled follow-up, doctors made up to four attempts to contact patients. Clinicians referred patients to in-person care if any adverse event or incomplete abortion was suspected and outcomes of care were documented whenever possible.

For this analysis, we evaluated data collected from two sources, both imported into REDCap44. We obtained anonymized medical record data of consecutive patients receiving care from the participating virtual clinics between April 2021 and January 2022.

Additionally, each virtual clinic invited all patients seen between June 2021 and January 2022 to enroll in three surveys about their abortion experience, including any additional treatments received. After providing electronic informed consent, participants completed a baseline survey on the date of the intake, which included sociodemographic characteristics and medical history. Participants completed a second survey 3–7 days after the intake, to assess medication administration, additional medical care and any adverse events, and a final survey 4 weeks after the intake to assess additional medical care and adverse events (Fig. 1). The survey sample was powered to assess the acceptability of telehealth (published separately2); thus, we aimed to collect complete sets of surveys from 1,600 participants. Survey participants received a US$50 electronic debit card on completion of all three surveys.


The primary outcomes were effectiveness and safety based on standard definitions in previous studies17,24,37,45. We generally followed the MARE guidelines for reporting outcomes20. We defined effectiveness as the proportion of medication abortions that were complete after initial treatment with 200 mg mifepristone and 1,600 µg or less of misoprostol without known subsequent intervention. Abortions were not considered complete if (1) the patient had an aspiration, dilation and evacuation, other procedure or surgical intervention to complete the abortion; (2) the patient received more than 200 mg mifepristone, more than 1,600 µg misoprostol, or a uterotonic medication to complete the abortion; (3) the patient received treatment for suspected or confirmed ectopic pregnancy; or (4) the patient had a continuing pregnancy confirmed by ultrasonography or suspected at last contact. While MARE guidelines define effectiveness as successful expulsion of pregnancy without the need for procedural intervention, we chose a more conservative definition, recognizing that patients may view the need to have what constitutes a second medication abortion treatment as a failure of the medication abortion protocol.

We define safety using standardized definitions from the Procedural Abortion Incident Reporting and Surveillance Framework45 and Standardizing Abortion Research Outcomes protocol46 as the proportion of abortions that were not followed by a known abortion-related serious adverse event. Serious adverse events included: blood transfusion; abdominal surgery (including salpingectomy, laparotomy and laparoscopy to treat an ectopic pregnancy); hospital admission requiring overnight stay; or death.

Effectiveness and safety outcomes were determined from all information collected in the medical records and surveys. Abortion completion was determined based on the virtual clinic’s designation, either using a test (urine pregnancy test, ultrasonography or serum human chorionic gonadotrophin) or using the patient’s medical history (using a checklist reflecting symptoms of complete abortion) without further contact related to the abortion for at least 6 weeks after the intake visit. Patients without outcomes noted in the medical records were determined to have complete abortions if they completed a survey at least 28 days after screening and did not report an intervention or ongoing pregnancy.

Secondary outcomes included the number of cases where, at the subsequent follow-up, it was determined that at intake the patient had been beyond 70 days’ gestation. We also evaluated rates of suspected or confirmed ectopic pregnancy and emergency department visits.


We examined the categorical covariates reflecting participant age at abortion intake in years (16–17 years, 18–19 years, 20–24 years, 25–29 years, 30–34 years and 35 years or older), and pregnancy duration in days at abortion intake (less than 35 days, 35–49 days, 50–56 days, 57–63 days, 64–70 days or unknown). We also included a measure of race, ethnicity or ethnic grouping indicated by participants on an intake form or in the surveys (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Middle Eastern or North African, White , Multiracial or Unknown). We included binary covariates for urbanity (suburban or rural versus urban), whether the patient had a previous abortion, whether the patient had a previous birth and whether the patient had confirmatory pre-abortion ultrasonography.


The key exposure was a binary measure reflecting whether the patient received care synchronously (video) or asynchronously (secure text messaging).

Statistical analysis

The study was powered to detect differences in the rarest primary outcome, that is, serious adverse events. We aimed to have outcome data from 4,202 patients. The study was designed to detect a difference of 0.4% or more in the rate of serious adverse events compared to 0.5%, the rate for in-person medication abortions as published in the FDA label8th, with 90% power and a two-sided alpha of 0.05. With a final sample size of 4,454, the study had more than 90% power to detect a difference of 2% or more in the effectiveness rate compared to the 3% rate for in-person medication abortions as published on the FDA label8th.

We described the characteristics of the overall sample and the subsample of patients who completed the surveys. We examined the extent of loss to follow-up and whether loss to follow-up differed between those who received synchronous and asynchronous care. We then conducted multiple imputation by chained equations to account for missing covariate and outcome data with 100 replications for primary regression analyses, assuming that missing data were related to observed patient and abortion characteristics. Multiple imputation by chained equations iteratively impute missing data using predictive models based on other variables in the dataset, and accounts for statistical uncertainty in the imputations47. Imputation models included patient age, urbanicity, whether the patient received screening ultrasonography, whether the patient received synchronous or asynchronous telehealth care, whether the patient participated in CHAT surveys, virtual clinics, and whether the patient used an abortion fund to pay for any portion of their abortion.

We developed logistic regression models for all effectiveness and safety outcomes. We used multivariable models for outcomes n > 15, adjusting for a binary measure of whether the patient received screening via synchronous or asynchronous methods. These models were also adjusted for baseline patient and abortion characteristics, including patient age, race, ethnicity or ethnic grouping, and pregnancy duration. We included binary measures reflecting whether the patient had a previous abortion or birth, and whether the patient had pre-abortion ultrasonography21. For rare outcomes (n < 15), we used unadjusted logistic regression models.

We calculated marginal estimates, the corresponding 95% CIs and Pvalues ​​from the logistic regression results to estimate the predicted probability of each effectiveness and safety outcome. Primary estimates came from logistic regression analyzes performed on imputed data. Pvalues ​​correspond to a Wald test in the logistic regressions, comparing each group to the reference group. We then compared results with published estimates of effectiveness and safety. All statistical tests were two-tailed with significance set at 0.05. All analyzes were conducted using Stata v.17.0 (StataCorp LLC).

We conducted several sensitivity analyzes to assess the robustness of our findings. First, we replicated the effectiveness analysis, assuming that patients who were referred to in-person care after taking the medications and were then lost to follow-up required further intervention to complete the abortion. Second, we replicated the effectiveness analysis by categorizing all patients who received any additional misoprostol as completed abortions. This is consistent with the MARE guidelines and previous studies26.48, which classified patients who received more than 1,600 μg of misoprostol (more than two doses) as successful abortions. Third, we examined both effectiveness and safety outcomes only among the subsample of patients who completed the surveys to evaluate whether the main findings held true among this sample with supplementary self-reported data on their outcomes. Finally, to test how robust our results were to the follow-up rates, we used delta-adjusted pattern-mixture model imputation49 to simulate the outcomes under different assumptions regarding patients with missing outcome data, hypothesizing results if they had lower or higher odds of incomplete abortion or serious adverse events than those with outcome data.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

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