Erfurt Mental Health Week 2023
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Erfurt Mental Health Week 2023

09:00 – 11:30 am and 1:30 – 3:00 pm | Mental illnesses and the tasks of the social psychiatric service

As part of Mental Health Week, the SpDi offers interested citizens the opportunity to ask general questions about our service and tasks as well as specialist questions on the topic of “mental illness” in a thirty-minute conversation via the messenger software Jitsi. Those who do not have digital access can also
come by in person.
Information about the Social Psychiatric Service:
The service is located at the Erfurt Health Department and offers advice and help with mental health problems. We are the contact point for people with mental illness, relatives, caregivers, doctors, therapists, legal guardians, social workers, authorities, etc.

Location: Online event and, if desired, on site at the Health Department, Juri-Gagarin-Ring 150, 1st floor
Organizer: Social Psychiatric Service Team (SpDi)
Speaker: Team SpDi
Registration: register in advance by email to [email protected]
Format: 30 minutes online or in person
Number of participants: 1:1 consultation/group
Costs: free

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Open Space: The TLPE Listening Café – We give away open ears

Would you like to talk about your blues? Accompanied by a coffee in a pleasant atmosphere? We’ll take the time for you!

Venue: Thuringian State Association of People with Psychiatric Experience (TLPE eV) Ammertalweg 7, 99086 Erfurt
Number of participants: max. 12
Costs: Contribution to expenses of 1 Euro per person

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Open day: Reha aktiv darr GmbH

Do you need support to return to work due to health problems? Get to know our office and our services and take the opportunity to talk to our employees.

Venue: Reha aktiv darr GmbH, Society for Medical and Vocational Rehabilitation, Neuwerkstraße 10, 99084 Erfurt

10:00 – 11:30 am | Workshop: Mindfulness – Perceiving the moment

Mindfulness is a state of conscious presence of mind. You experience the moment, yourself and your environment completely in the present and with all your senses. This helps enormously to slow down everyday life. For the workshop we offer:

  • Cherry exercise
  • Meridian tapping
  • Body scan

If we have piqued your curiosity and you are interested in taking a relaxing break from everyday life, please get in touch with us. Please note: You must bring your own mat to the workshop!

Organizer: Trägerwerk Soziale Dienste in Thüringen gGmbH, Psychosoziale
Contact and advice centre

Venue: Psychosocial Contact and Counselling Centre, Tungerstrasse 9, 99099 Erfurt, Erfurt Room

Registration: Telephone: 0361 6539-0162, E-Mail: [email protected]

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Interactive lecture: Healthy in stress – options for short- and long-term stress management

Whether at work or in our private lives, stress accompanies us in many areas of life. It is not a bad thing per se. However, “too much” stress makes you ill in the long run. Fortunately, you can learn to deal with stressful and nerve-wracking situations more calmly, safely and healthily.
In the interactive lecture we will address the following questions:

  • What is stress?
  • How does stress arise?
  • How do I recognize stress? (stress warning signals)
  • What approaches can I use to manage stress?
  • How can I handle acute stress situations more calmly?
  • And what options can I use to deal with stress in a healthier way in the long term?

During the lecture, simple tips will be given and helpful, proven and, above all, everyday exercises will be tried out.

Venue: City Library, Domplatz 1, Conference Room, 2nd Floor
Organizer: Erfurt Health Department, Health Planning Department
Speaker: Bianca Schmidt, network coordinator for municipal
Health promotion, lecturer and trainer for stress management (ZPP = Central Testing Center for Prevention)
Registration: not required
Format: Presence
Number of participants: max. 40 people
Costs: free

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Information: Self-help for relatives of mental illnesses

Gather courage, become more self-confident… reduce fears. A self-help group cannot replace psychotherapy, but it does provide a neutral space for conversations with people who have similar experiences, fears and problems.
The exchange of experiences and the support of the group strengthens all members and can make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of families. The advisory and self-help activities and networking of the AFpK Erfurt & Umgebung are reported on and opportunities for the participants are shown.

Venue: House of Social Services, Juri-Gagarin-Ring 150, 99084 Erfurt,
Side entrance, room 171 h, 1st floor
Organizer: Relatives and friends of mentally ill people Erfurt & surrounding area eV
Speaker: Sabine Wechsung, Chairwoman of the Association
Registration: [email protected], Tel.: 0361 23007088
Format: Lecture with discussion
Number of participants: max. 18
Costs: free

12:00 – 16:30 | Participation offer: Open singing circle – “Music gives courage”

The choir “Stimmreich” invites you to an open singing event to find musical ways to face fear with ease and to create a feeling of courage in a community.
Anyone who is interested in the mindfulness workshop at the psychosocial contact and advice center is welcome to take part in our lunch service from 12 noon for a fee of €4.40. In addition, the facility management will offer to show the participation center and have an open discussion. Those interested in the singing circle are also invited to come earlier to have the same experience! The food on offer can be found on the website of the Erfurt-Südost participation center.

Time: 12.00 – 15.00 (house opening) and 15.00 – 16.30 (open singing circle)
Venue: Participation Center
Erfurt-Southeast (cafeteria on the ground floor), Tungerstraße 9, 99099 Erfurt
Organizer: Trägerwerk Soziale Dienste in Thüringen gGmbH, Participation Center Erfurt
Choir director: Daniela Blankenburg
Facility Manager: Sebastian Haunhorst
Registration: not required
Format: Presence
Number of participants: 10 guests (choir) / unlimited
Costs: free participation, lunch fee

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Lecture: Early detection and prevention of dementia

The thought of possibly developing dementia (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease) in old age can be frightening. The event will provide information about early detection and ways to prevent dementia, and will also provide space for questions and discussion.

Venue: Altonaer Str. 25, 99085 Erfurt, House 4, Room/Lecture Hall 4.E.04 (on the ground floor)
Organizer: FH Erfurt, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences in cooperation with the City of Erfurt
Speaker: Prof. Dr. rer. med. habil. Tobias Luck, Professor of Psychology at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Workshop: “Energy – without it you can’t move anything”

The workshop will teach you how to use targeted exercises to build up inner resilience against external influences. The exercises can be used in everyday life and are easy to learn. Your physical and mental stability will increase. In times of change, you can strengthen yourself and achieve your goals more easily.
to reach.

Venue: Büßleben Rectory, Am Peterbach 3, 99098 Erfurt
Organizer: Yara Zegke (resilience coach, artist, trainer for physical and mental health)
Registration: by phone at 0160 664-5334
Cost: 35 euros

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