Integra 2024, Austria’s leading trade fair for care, rehabilitation and therapy – Austrian Disability Council
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Integra 2024, Austria’s leading trade fair for care, rehabilitation and therapy – Austrian Disability Council

The Austrian trade fair INTEGRA 2024 will be held in Wels from June 5 to 7, 2024, and will show how technical innovations and an extensive action and education program can be used to support people whose job or everyday life involves care or rehabilitation. The Austrian Disability Council will be represented at the Fokus Mensch stand on June 6, 2024. We look forward to your visit!

Under the motto “Quality of life through inclusionIn the selection of over 40 lectures and 20 workshops, in addition to the central topic blocks of care and the future of care, therapy and inclusion, questions from the areas of professional integration, legal aspects, psycho-hygiene, dementia, digitization and technologies and many more were also addressed. In this way, integra® offers inputs to improve one’s own quality of life.

Care & Care Future

To start, Prof. (FH) Markus Golla will provide a “care look” into the future on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. Under the title “Care Future Austria”, he will compare countries and show what can be done to ensure that Austria does not lose even more of its good quality of care. In addition, other care priorities relate to the topic of dementia, among others. Experience reports from Demenz Support Stuttgart show the positive effects of process support in outpatient and inpatient settings. On Wednesday, the FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ will provide insights into digital application possibilities in the extramural care and support of people with dementia.

Inclusion & Self-awareness

In order to be able to live inclusion, it is crucial to understand the living environments and perspectives of elderly people and people with disabilities. For example, Susanne Breitwieser (Chairwoman of the Upper Austrian Blind Association) addresses the situation of people with visual impairments in her lecture “Seeing the world through different eyes”. In her workshop “Being 80 for an hour”, Silvia Tuider makes the situation of older adults tangible and palpable. Trade fair visitors experience for themselves what mobility restrictions feel like and what triggers them. Lisa Mottl and Valerie Clark from Inclusion24 offer a highlight in this context. With their “Sign Language Taster Course”, they give trade fair visitors a better understanding of the world of deaf people. This workshop allows an initial introduction to Austrian Sign Language without any prior knowledge.

Inclusion in the world of work

People with disabilities often encounter prejudices when it comes to their professional abilities. They say they work slowly, cannot achieve as much, are not independent at work – to name just a few preconceived ideas. Inclusion is important and is put into practice when people with disabilities can choose a job. A job that suits them and that they like, with which they earn their own money and for which they have social insurance. Personal assistance in the workplace also plays an important role. In this context, lectures and workshops will be held on Thursday and Friday, which will show ways to get one step closer to an “inclusive working world”. In addition, Stefan Staubli and Dr. Urban Schwegler – using the Swiss Paraplegic Center as an example – show how the professional integration of people with paraplegia can be successful.

Legal Aspects


Austria has had an equal opportunities law since 2006 and committed itself to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2008. But what does the reality of life actually look like? Do people with disabilities have an equal life, a life like everyone else? In her lecture on Wednesday, Federal Disability Advocate Christine Steger will provide an overview of the realities of life for people with disabilities in Austria.

Adult Protection Act

Power of attorney, legal, judicial and elected adult representation are the four pillars of adult protection. Dr. Wolfgang Stütz will go into more detail on Thursday using practical examples.

Labor law inclusive

What is the significance of inclusive labor law? In his workshop, Sepp Lenzenhofer from Inclusion24 will explain what exactly is behind labor law and why it should be inclusive. How have the conflicting interests of employers and employees contributed to the development of (inclusive) labor law? And what does labor law have to do with human rights?

Strengthen resilience

Challenges that employees in health and social professions in particular are exposed to place a strain on them in various forms. Clear symptoms include sleep disorders, irritability, anxiety and other physical or psychological complaints. Sylke Damerau is a resilience trainer, coach and systemic business coach and will be discussing important protective factors in her workshop on Friday. She will show how difficult situations and stress can be better managed.

Comedy with a clear attitude

Who can say they have a “lucky hand”? If not Martin Fromme, then who? He is currently on tour with his second brand new show. Comedy with a clear attitude. And that is saying something, given the obvious imbalance. And what is more important at the moment than a clear statement on diversity? Art and culture should have the power to change. Sustainably. Without a raised finger. But uninhibited, empathetic, cheeky, appreciative, authentic.

integra® 2024 – 5 to 7 June 2024, Wels Trade Fair

The credo of integra® is the plus in quality of life: more “quality of life through inclusion” for people with disabilities and all those who work in care and therapy. But it is also “The Fair for Quality of Life” for older people, who can lead a long, independent life thanks to professional advice and the support of aids. At the Wels trade fair, those affected, therapy specialists, employees from specialist retailers and businesses as well as institutions and associations can find innovative aids for all important areas of life that make everyday life easier for people in need of care and people with disabilities. The focus is on practical benefits and inclusive application options.

Details on course content and speakers can be found online in the supporting programme

Trade fair tickets and workshop tickets are available online in the ticket shop as print@home tickets

The education and action programme is available as an online catalogue

integra – Austria’s leading trade fair for better quality of life

5 to 7 June 2024
Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Messeplatz 1, 4600 Wels

Mobility offers and transfer systems | Nursing aids and homecare service | Therapy and training | Communication aids | Vehicle adaptations Nursing and medical care | Children’s rehabilitation | Orthopaedic aids Leisure, travel and sport | Building and living | Education and career | Consulting and services Specialist literature

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