KadeHydro® Moisturising Cream: Gentle care without compromise for dry skin in the external intimate area
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KadeHydro® Moisturising Cream: Gentle care without compromise for dry skin in the external intimate area

You may know it: An unpleasant feeling of dryness or even itching in the intimate area can significantly affect everyday life. And although caring for this particularly sensitive part of the body is so important, we rarely talk about it. That should change. Because the right care with the right products can help to alleviate or prevent problems like these.

Changes in the intimate area can become noticeable, especially during menopause, but also in other phases of life. Gentle care is the key here.

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95% of our gofeminin testers would KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream recommend. Credit: Dr. Kade

What makes KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream a good choice?

Imagine being able to relieve dryness in the external intimate area without having to resort to hormone preparations. That is exactly what the KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream.

Hormone-free, it moisturizes the external intimate area and gently cares for it. It is suitable for women of all ages who value gentle care and want to improve their well-being at the same time.

Which ingredients provide gentle care?

The skin in the external intimate area is sensitive and requires special care. KadeHydro® moisturizing cream uses a water-in-oil emulsion that is enriched with high-quality lipids such as almond oil. This combination leaves a protective film that envelops the skin like a delicate plaster and is breathable at the same time.

Moisturizing hyaluronic acid and bisabolol from the chamomile flower make the skin supple and specifically relieve irritations. A well thought-out concept for skin that wants to be soothed and cared for.

Why is KadeHydro® so well tolerated?

Precisely because the skin in the intimate area is so sensitive, KadeHydro® moisturizing cream uses a formula that meets the sensitive needs of the skin. The cream is vegan and deliberately contains no preservatives, alcohol, mineral oils or fragrances. This reduces the risk of irritation and makes the cream suitable for anyone who is particularly prone to sensitive skin.

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How do you use KadeHydro® moisturizing cream correctly?

The local application makes it easy: KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream is available in practical sizes of 30 ml and 50 ml and can be applied directly to the affected areas of skin. Just a small amount is enough to soothe the skin and provide it with moisture.

Make sure to use the cream regularly and according to the instructions for use to get the most benefit. It is available in pharmacies as well as in various online stores.

How does KadeHydro® moisturising gel help with intimate problems?

The KadeHydro® moisturising gel is the solution if you are looking for targeted support in the fight against vaginal dryness in addition to your daily care. As a perfect complement to the moisturizing cream, the gel uses the power of hyaluronic acid to relieve unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning or soreness.

The gel is ideal for pain during intercourse and soothes the skin through intensive moisturizing – without any hormones. Use the gel for immediate relief and as part of a comprehensive intimate care routine.

could the KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream convince in the test?

Overall, 814 gofeminin testers try out and evaluate the KadeHydro® moisturizing cream. How did the intimate care product perform? In our product test, KadeHydro® Moisturizing Cream convince and 95% would recommend them.

You can read what the gofeminin testers particularly liked about the product and the care routine here:

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Dagmar: This was the first time I had the opportunity to test a product like this and I can say that my expectations were met! The cream is very easy to apply and spread. My skin, which was often unpleasantly dry before, has noticeably improved since I started using it. I didn’t notice any problems during or after the treatment and I’m very happy with the result!

Yvonne: The KadeHydro® moisturizing cream has completely convinced me. Easy to use and great results. It is quickly absorbed and provides pleasant care for the intimate area.

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Olena: I really liked the product. It is light and easy to use. The discomfort, dryness and irritation disappeared. I highly recommend it.

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Stefanie: I am delighted with this product. It exceeded my expectations. I always felt pleasant after using it. The feeling of dryness decreased. It got better after each use and I no longer had that feeling of tightness. I give it 5 stars because it couldn’t be better.

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Marion: I didn’t think that my symptoms could be treated so easily with a cream. It’s great, I will continue to use it and recommend it.

Conclusion: KadeHydro® moisturizing cream can be a reliable companion on the way to healthy and balanced intimate care. Try it out and experience the difference that well-thought-out and gentle care can make. If you have any questions or need further information, experts and medical professionals will be happy to advise you.

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