Mental illness as the main cause of occupational disability!
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Mental illness as the main cause of occupational disability!

Specialists, therapists and health politicians are sounding the alarm: mental illnesses are increasing throughout Germany. Depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses are not only responsible for increasing work absences, but also responsible for increasing numbers of occupational disabilitiesMental illness can cause immense suffering for those affected and their relatives. But what illnesses are involved, what causes them to occur and how can you protect yourself?

These mental illnesses are the most common triggers for occupational disability

There is hardly anything more serious than the permanent loss of one’s own ability to work. If a person becomes unable to work and can no longer do their previous job in the long term, this turns their life completely upside down. Not only do they have to deal with the illness itself, but they also usually have to accept a significantly lower standard of living.

Whether chronic back pain, cancer or an accident with serious injuries – the reasons for occupational disability are varied. What many people do not know, however, is that mental illnesses are the most common triggers and in 31% of cases responsible for occupational disability. The most common mental illnesses are:


depressionsDepression, in its severe form, is one of the most dangerous illnesses of all. Not only is depression the most frequently diagnosed mental illness, but it is also the most common cause of occupational disability in Germany. The main symptoms of severe depression are permanently depressed mood and general joylessness, which can lead to despair can range from a feeling of inner emptiness and a lack of motivation combined with increased fatigue. Some sufferers are so limited that they can no longer carry out the simplest everyday tasks. Depression is also potentially life-threatening: around 15% of all people who suffer from severe depression take their own lives. Experts assume that around half of all suicides that occur in Germany each year are due to depression.


burnoutConstantly exhausted, without energy, without motivation – the condition burnout has many similarities with depression. In fact, it is not always easy to differentiate between the two illnesses, because what they have in common is not only the feeling of constant exhaustion, but also the more or less pronounced inability to feel joy and other positive feelings. More often than with depression, however, it is external circumstances, particularly chronic stress at work, that cause the illness in burnout. So it is no wonder that burnout that is recognized too late and/or not treated appropriately can lead to occupational disability and damage health.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorderDepressive phases also occur in the clinical picture of bipolar disorder. However, they alternate with manic phases in which the patient shows a high level of activity and increased drive. During these phases, the mood can be euphoric, but also irritable and even aggressive. In the depressive phases, there is a high risk of suicide. Fluctuations between extreme highs and lows make bipolar disorder particularly difficult to cope with. Sufferers often require a combination of medication and psychotherapy to stabilize symptoms. Early diagnosis and consistent treatment are crucial to improving quality of life and preventing serious consequences. Family members and friends also play an important role by providing support and understanding.

Anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders

Anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disordersAnxiety disorders are characterized by an extreme fear reaction without there being an actual threat of corresponding magnitude. These include phobias, in which a specific object or situation causes intense fear, as well as generalized anxiety disorders. Typically, the anxiety reactions are associated with severe physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, dizziness, etc. and in the worst case can lead to a panic attack. In the case of obsessive-compulsive disorders, those affected feel helpless and at the mercy of recurring obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive actions that elude rational influence. Both anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders can make it impossible for those affected to lead a normal life – for example, to pursue their job – for a shorter or longer period of time.

Other mental illnesses that can cause occupational disability include post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction disorders (often comorbid with anxiety disorders or depression) and schizophrenia.

Education and prevention are urgently needed

An increase in mental illnesses can be observed in all age groups: This refers both to an increasing number of sick days (with sick notes) and to an increasing number of confirmed occupational incapacities. The years of the corona pandemic with its repeated lockdowns and contact restrictions have accelerated this development again, because the associated loneliness, financial burdens and family conflicts have not only exacerbated existing illnesses, but have also caused previously healthy people to become mentally ill. Depression in particular is increasing in all social classes. To counteract this, increased education and prevention are needed.

Preventing occupational disability: education and prevention are urgently neededIt is important, on the one hand, that information about the relevant illnesses is made available to everyone and that those affected and their relatives are encouraged to get help. As far as depression is concerned, it is often men who do not want to admit that they have the illness and, on the other hand, display rather atypical symptoms such as aggression. Fortunately, the general understanding of the outstanding importance of mental health is increasing and with it the stigmatization of mentally ill people is decreasing.

On the other hand, however, effective prevention of incapacity to work or even occupational disability can only be achieved if adequate treatment options are created. In Germany, there are considerable gaps in care in some areas. This relates less to the availability of effective medication, as there is a wide range of antidepressants and other medications available. which are usually paid by all health insurance companiesThere is a blatant lack of therapy places, both in terms of inpatient care for the seriously ill in psychiatric clinics and in terms of the availability of places for outpatient talk therapy and other psychotherapies. There are simply too few psychiatrists and psychotherapists, so that those affected often have to wait agonizingly long months for a therapy place. Modern health policy must urgently counteract this shortcoming.

Occupational disability as an underestimated risk

Occupational disability as an underestimated riskImportant for those affected: Contrary to the opinion that was popular in the past and is still occasionally encountered today, mental illnesses are neither self-inflicted nor hereditary diseases that only affect members of a family and that inevitably also affect descendants. Rather, it is a complex interplay of different factorswhich determines whether depression or another mental illness occurs and how severe the symptoms are. Many mental illnesses can be treated well, but a complete cure in the sense of complete freedom from symptoms cannot always be expected.

Much more often than you might think, a mental illness can lead to a long-term inability to work and ultimately even occupational disability. This makes it all the more important to prepare for emergencies. Ideally, you should approach this topic as unbiased as possible and, for example, seek advice from a Advise on taking out occupational disability insurance – preferably at a young age. If you suspect a mental illness, you should not hesitate but see your GP, psychiatrist or neurologist immediately. The sooner a correct diagnosis is made and treatment can begin, the greater the likelihood that the illness can be well controlled and those affected can lead a life without restrictions.

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