Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness: Individual health concepts for a …
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Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness: Individual health concepts for a …

Berlin (ots)

As a personal trainer, nutritional therapist and coach with various additional qualifications, Mone Dusek offers her customers individual health concepts that take all personal needs into account. With her enormous expertise and holistic approach, the founder of Enduring Fitness manages to motivate her customers in the long term and achieve sustainable results. In this article, the expert reveals why the psychology behind health goals plays a major role, how the collaboration with Enduring Fitness works in practice and what training and experience she has as a trainer and coach.

Whether it’s your dream figure, athletic fitness or rapid rehabilitation after an operation – those who pursue health goals usually rely on the support of experts. But all too often, lasting results are not achieved: the lost kilos gradually find their way back to the hips and the initial motivation for exercise dries up after a few weeks. Given the fact that many trainers, nutritionists and physiotherapists work with ready-made plans, this is no surprise. Because people are as different as their everyday situations, wishes and needs – there can be no one plan that works for everyone. “For long-term success in achieving personal health goals, it is also essential to identify the true motivation behind the goal,” explains Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness.

“I not only rely on very individual plans with different methods, but also take the psychological aspects into account. This enables my customers to integrate a healthier lifestyle into their everyday lives in the long term and to achieve their goals with ease,” the entrepreneur explains. With various training courses and licenses in the health sector and many years of professional experience, the fitness economist supports people who are fighting for their own health and want to work on themselves with enthusiasm. Consisting of training, motivation, nutrition, massage therapy and many facets of coaching, Mone Dusek offers her customers a complete package that focuses on both their health benefits and their individuality as a person. The great successes that Enduring Fitness can enable its customers to achieve through its individual range of services set Mone Dusek and her team apart from their industry colleagues.

Enduring Fitness stands for holistic concepts, individual support and long-term results

Unlike other personal trainers, Mone Dusek does not work according to a set pattern, but rather sees each client as an individual when she shows them a way to achieve their goals. That is why the collaboration always begins with a consultation in which three central questions are clarified: The client explains their goal, what they have done so far to achieve it and why they want to achieve this goal. “The why is ultimately decisive for the client’s success. We often only uncover the true motives after long and intensive discussions,” reveals Mone Dusek. Because most people tend to sabotage themselves, psychology is a crucial part of her coaching. “Everyone knows what a healthy diet looks like. Yet it fails when it comes to implementation. In order to be able to change something in the long term, the reasons behind it must be analyzed,” explains the expert.

The aim of the collaboration with Enduring Fitness is to enable customers to achieve their goals themselves – with enthusiasm and perseverance. To achieve this, Mone Dusek builds an individual concept using various methods and training from different perspectives. In addition to functional strength and flexibility training, the individual building blocks also include massage therapy and a change in diet adapted to everyday life, personal preferences and needs. In parallel, in-depth coaching takes place that helps to break down limiting beliefs and create sustainable results. “I don’t take anything away from people, but give them something so that they experience fulfillment instead of lack,” says the expert, who knows that strict diets, for example, can only achieve short-term results.

Mone Dusek: In-depth expertise and years of experience

Mone Dusek complements her special ability to motivate and inspire people with in-depth specialist knowledge: In addition to a bachelor’s degree in fitness economics, she has qualifications as a nutritional therapist, massage therapist and rehabilitation sports trainer. In addition, her customers benefit from additional qualifications such as trainer for cardio fitness, machine-assisted strength training, preventative back training, health and fitness. Mone Dusek is also the right person to contact for kinesiotaping and effective rehabilitation training after knee injuries.

The enormous breadth and depth of knowledge that the fitness trainer has been able to build up through her training, thirst for knowledge and passion for health topics as well as ten years of professional experience sets her apart from other providers in the industry. Last but not least, her own experiences are what set her apart: Mone Dusek not only has celiac disease, which means her diet is significantly restricted, she also suffered from a knee injury which, according to the doctor, would mean the end of her sporting activities. Of course, she took the medical diagnosis seriously, but refused to simply accept her fate. So she began to read up on various treatment options and came across a new type of treatment that, unlike most operations, was supposed to preserve the cruciate ligament. The problem, however, was that the treatment could only be carried out within the first three weeks after the cruciate ligament rupture – so time was short. But she did not let this discourage her, found a suitable doctor and developed a rehabilitation training program for herself based on her own research. It was this untypical initiative that ultimately enabled her to start exercising again after just three months. Her strength of will helped her to change her fate, a quality that also distinguishes her as a person.

Many customers have already had great experiences with their individual offering and have been able to integrate their personal health goals into their everyday lives in the long term. “My goal is to continue to grow in order to reach even more people,” concludes Mone Dusek.

Do you want to reach your desired weight, get fit or quickly rehabilitate yourself after an injury and would you like plans that are tailored to your everyday life, that promote motivation and enthusiasm and deliver sustainable results? Then contact Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness now and make an appointment!

Press contact:

Enduring Fitness
Represented by: Mone Dusek
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Enduring Fitness, transmitted by news aktuell

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