Nightmare cruciate ligament rupture – Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness reveals how patients …
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Nightmare cruciate ligament rupture – Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness reveals how patients …

Berlin (ots)

A knee injury can change your whole life forever – it is all the more important to treat the injury correctly and ensure complete rehabilitation with long-term aftercare. As the founder and managing director of Enduring Fitness, health expert Mone Dusek has specialized in, among other things, rehabilitation training after knee injuries. In this article, the personal trainer reveals what opportunities you have if conventional therapy does not work and why it is never too late to become active yourself – you will also find a checklist for successful rehabilitation training.

The cause is often sports accidents, but sometimes even a clumsy movement in everyday life is enough to cause a serious knee injury: in Germany alone, between 50,000 and 100,000 people suffer a tear in the anterior cruciate ligament every year – in around 80 percent of cases, surgical treatment is required. Afterwards, six sessions of physiotherapy are usually prescribed. But patients who believe that this will rehabilitate them are mistaken. The treating doctors often do not explain that the actual follow-up treatment takes six to twelve months and only begins after the operation – with serious consequences: poorly treated cruciate ligament tears are not only associated with an increased risk of subsequent damage to the knee, but also carry a similarly high risk of osteoarthritis as a completely untreated cruciate ligament tear. There are countless people who have suffered from pain and restricted mobility for years or even decades as a result of a previous knee injury. “Because they believe that all options have been exhausted with conventional treatment, many people come to terms with the loss of their quality of life. Inadequate information is a major problem: every cruciate ligament tear requires extensive aftercare,” emphasizes Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness.

“Your own health is not something you should just give up on. And it’s never too late: with individual rehabilitation training, it is still possible to free yourself from knee pain and restricted mobility at a later date,” continues the personal trainer. She is not only the founder and managing director of Enduring Fitness, but also a nutritional therapist and a fitness economist, and in addition to numerous training courses and licenses in the health sector, she has many years of professional experience. Functional strength training and rehabilitation training after knee injuries are among Mone Dusek’s specialties. With her in-depth expertise, holistic approaches and individual health concepts, the expert manages to achieve lasting success with her clients and pave the way for them to live a carefree and pain-free life.

Every cruciate ligament tear requires extensive aftercare

During her work in rehabilitation sports and in her courses, Mone Dusek has repeatedly met people for many years who are restricted in their movement due to knee injuries that occurred long ago. “Previous cruciate ligament, meniscus or cartilage damage often affects people for years to come,” explains the personal trainer. “The long-term effects caused by incorrect therapy or inadequate aftercare can have a severe impact on both everyday life and quality of life.” When she asks those affected about the treatment concept at the time, the health expert repeatedly hears similar things: a few hours of physiotherapy were prescribed and in some cases the knee was operated on beforehand. However, most patients were not informed that they would have to do something themselves in the long term to ensure that sustainable regeneration can take place.

“Successful follow-up treatment after a cruciate ligament tear depends on the right individual rehabilitation training – regardless of whether surgery was performed,” reveals Mone Dusek. This is the only way to make the knee functionally resilient again and at the same time reduce discomfort and the risk of subsequent injuries. Because many sufferers do not know this, they come to terms with their situation or are dissatisfied. When those affected finally go to a doctor, their complaints are often attributed to their age, which is rarely the reason for knee pain. The causes are more likely to be injuries, illnesses or muscular tension. “These triggers must be found and treated,” says Mone Dusek. “Because it is often small nuances that determine whether someone has permanent pain or not.”

Mone Dusek brings patients back their quality of life

With her work, the founder and managing director of Enduring Fitness gives hope to those affected. She knows from her own experience that even if therapy does not achieve the desired results, all is not lost. Mone Dusek herself suffered from a serious knee injury which, according to the doctor’s diagnosis, would have meant the end of her sporting career. Despite this bleak prognosis, she did not give up and discovered a new type of therapy that would preserve her cruciate ligament and allow it to grow back together. With great initiative and a lot of research, she found a doctor within the critical three-week period after the cruciate ligament tear who performed this modern surgical method – the so-called Ligamys method. Her commitment and strength of will enabled her to develop a rehabilitation training program tailored specifically to her needs, which got her back to being able to play sports within just three months. This personal experience now shapes her work.

“Anyone who seeks professional support and actively tackles their problem has a good chance of regaining their quality of life,” explains Mone Dusek. For example, a mother who was still unable to bear full weight on her leg six months after tearing her cruciate ligament sought her support and after just three months of working together she was so fit that she can now play with her children again without worry. “It is important that people are listened to: Only when it is really clear what is causing the problems can people be helped effectively and sustainably,” explains the personal trainer.

Unlike prescribed physiotherapy, Mone Dusek takes time for her clients and designs individual concepts that take into account all the issues related to the aftercare of a cruciate ligament tear. In addition to rehabilitation training, the focus is also on strengthening confidence in the knee and restoring functionality in everyday life, as well as nutrition, psychological components and dealing with challenges. The health expert empowers her clients to take action themselves and thus enables them to lead an active and self-determined life again, regardless of their age.

Checklist for successful training:

1. Detailed medical history:

  • What complaints are currently present?
  • What pre-existing conditions are there?
  • What are the biggest challenges currently?

2. Goal definition:

  • What professional and private requirements should be achieved through the training?

3. Advanced training:

  • Introduction of exercises and methods that the affected person finds pleasant.
  • Optimal adaptation of these exercises and methods to the individual needs of the affected person.

4. Individual support:

  • Regular documentation of progress.
  • Adaptation of training and treatment methods according to current progress.

5. Preparation for independent implementation:

  • Those affected are prepared to implement what they have learned safely and independently at home.

Are you suffering from restricted mobility, pain or other long-term effects of a knee injury? Contact Mone Dusek from Enduring Fitness now and benefit from individual and holistic therapy concepts!

Press contact:

Enduring Fitness
Represented by: Mone Dusek
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Enduring Fitness, transmitted by news aktuell

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