No weight loss success despite exercise and a strict diet? This is the mistake
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No weight loss success despite exercise and a strict diet? This is the mistake

If a diet has failed several times, you may well be asking yourself: Why am I not losing weight? There can be many reasons for this. Here you can find out what is behind it and how you can still successfully lose weight.

Why am I not losing weight? Health expert Vanessa Blumhagen explains in the clip

Why am I not losing weight despite exercise and dieting?

Incorrect or incorrectly implemented diets are the most common reasons why you find that you are not losing weight. Eating too little, snacking, sugary drinks, hidden calories and not enough exercise are the main reasons why you are not losing weight.

However, incorrect execution is not always the problem, stress is often the answer to the question “Why am I not losing weight?” Despite exercise and dieting, the following problem can arise: When the body is under stress, the hormone cortisol is produced. It is a real fattening agent because it ensures that fat is stored instead of broken down, even without additional calorie intake. If you add a lack of sleep to this, diet flops are inevitable.

If the body gets less sleep than it needs (between seven and nine hours a day), this means additional stress, which in the long term will manifest itself in the form of bulges on the stomach, legs and bottom. Tip: If you can’t sleep any longer in the morning, go to bed earlier in the evening, because every minute counts.

Push yourself to the limit and reach your desired weight

Successful weight loss: The path to your desired weight

The most important weight loss tip: A complete change in diet is always better than a temporary diet. Losing weight won’t work if you lose a few pounds during the treatment, but then the notorious yo-yo effect causes you to gain weight again after the diet. Better: Avoid crash diets and change your eating habits in the long term. Lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains help, but sweets and convenience foods should only be consumed in moderation.

“But why am I not losing weight even though I’m on a diet?” many people ask themselves. Often it’s because a positive calorie balance is also achieved through a lot of exercise. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight all by yourself. Simply eating less, on the other hand, often doesn’t work.

Healthy food is the be-all and end-all. You don’t have to avoid carbohydrates completely, because the body takes longer to digest rice, potatoes and whole grain products. These foods keep you full for longer and are therefore not harmful in small quantities. Sugar and white flour, on the other hand, lead to high insulin production and, in the long term, obesity and diabetes. These carbohydrates should be avoided.

By the way: Do carbohydrates really make you fat? This is one of many well-known diet myths – we’ll tell you what’s behind it.

Why am I no longer losing weight?

It is also frustrating when weight loss success does not last. “Why am I not losing any more weight?” is what many people ask themselves. However, a short-term stagnation in weight loss is part of almost every diet. One to four weeks of weight loss blockage is perfectly normal – but after that, you should carry on. If weight loss continues to stall, you should review your measures. Have you made some dietary sins in your diet or have you tried to lose weight without exercising?

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The role of exercise in losing weight

But the opposite case can also be the reason why you are not losing weight. If the pounds are not falling off even when you are exercising hard, i.e. training according to a fitness plan, it is mainly because you are building muscle. If you are building a lot of muscle, that could be the reason why you are not losing weight.

Muscles are heavier than fat. If you build up a lot of muscle, it’s not unusual for people who want to lose weight to initially gain weight. But don’t let yourself get discouraged and keep at it. You’ll soon be able to step on the scales and feel successful again. Losing weight quickly through exercise shouldn’t be your primary goal, but a long-term one. In the long run, you’ll feel healthier and fitter – thanks in part to the shrinking fat deposits.

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No more yo-yo effect: Read more in the clip

Of course, diet still plays a role, because losing weight without changing your diet doesn’t work. Anyone who eats mainly chips, cola and fast food and thinks they can lose weight without changing their diet is wrong. You don’t have to fast, of course. But in addition to exercise, your diet should be balanced and healthy.

Losing weight doesn’t work because of the wrong sport

To keep going for a long time, you should find a sport that you enjoy. How about functional training, Nordic walking or bouldering, for example? It’s impossible to say how quickly you’ll lose weight with each exercise. But if you stick with it, you’ll soon notice the first changes.

The best way to lose weight, however, is with a classic endurance sport: jogging. This burns a lot of calories in a very short time. Whether outside in the fresh air or in the gym, running not only ensures quick weight loss, but also the release of happiness hormones. Important: Do not reward yourself with fatty food after running training, because weight loss only works if you burn more calories than you consume during the day.

Why am I gaining weight instead of losing weight?

If you gain weight despite exercising and changing your diet, metabolic disorders are a possible cause. Now it may be time to see a doctor. This way you can find out medically why you can’t lose weight. There is a clear distinction between being overweight and being obese. Obese patients can try as many diets as they want, but they find it very difficult to lose weight. Their weight gain and weight loss are difficult to control and they suffer greatly from failure.

Talk to your doctor about a possible obesity treatment. In particularly drastic cases, even an operation in the form of a stomach reduction can be useful in order to regain a good body image. With this step, the question “Why am I not losing weight?” should be a thing of the past.

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Thyroid and hormone balance

If you eat normally, exercise and still gain weight, you may be suffering from an underactive thyroid, which prevents you from losing weight and can also lead to further weight gain. This metabolic disorder mainly affects women. You can have your doctor do a blood test and get a professional answer to the question “Why am I not losing weight?” A diagnosis can be made based on the TSH level in the blood. An underactive thyroid is usually treated with medication, and a diet can therefore be successful for Hashimoto’s disease and the like.

The same applies to hormonal disorders, which can also have a negative impact on metabolism. Doctors’ examinations provide information about hormone levels. If weight loss does not occur despite exercise and a healthy diet, medication can also be used. If insulin levels are also elevated, it is important to avoid sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods as much as possible.

Why am I not losing weight? – Pills are to blame

Seemingly harmless medications can have a strong impact – including on weight. This includes the contraceptive pill, for example, but antidepressants and steroids can also be responsible if you don’t lose weight. Weight gain doesn’t have to happen overnight; it’s not uncommon for clear symptoms to only appear many months after (first) taking the medication. This makes it particularly difficult to find the cause. If this is the case for you, you should definitely talk to your doctor about alternative treatment options.

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Losing weight does not work despite diet and exercise

Are you having trouble losing weight and are you also suffering from constipation, frequent headaches and tiredness, even though you are getting enough sleep? Then a food allergy could be the cause. The most common intolerances are nuts, milk and gluten, but your body can also react allergically to soy and protein, for example. Either do a self-test by avoiding the relevant products and observing your body’s reaction, or have an internist examine you more closely. If an intolerance is detected, this could be the reason why you are not losing weight. In this case, certain nutritional supplements can help to get the problem under control.

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