Relief amount in care: What it can be used for – Care
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Relief amount in care: What it can be used for – Care

The relief amount amounts to 125 euros per month for care and relief services. You can find out who gets it, what it can be used for and how it can be transferred here.

If people become in need of care, relatives, friends or acquaintances in Germany often decide to look after and care for them at home. In some cases, they may even receive money for this and it is also possible for the cost to be credited towards their pension. Nevertheless, care at home requires a lot of time and energy. In order to relieve the burden on carers, those in need of care can therefore receive a so-called relief allowance from their nursing insurance. The additional care and relief service is intended to enable a more varied, independent and self-determined everyday life for those in need of care.

By the way: The relief amount should not be confused with the so-called relief budget, which is being introduced with the 2023 care reform and will not come into effect until July 1, 2025. The relief budget is intended to standardize the financing of short-term care and respite care and thus make it easier.

But what is the relief amount, who gets it and what can it be used for? You can read all the answers here.

What is the relief amount and how much is paid out?

Anyone who is in need of care, has a care level and is not cared for in a nursing home but at home is entitled to the relief allowance according to the Nursing Care Strengthening Act II (PSGII). This is intended to enable additional care and relief services.

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What are relief services in nursing care?

Unlike nursing care allowance, for example, all those entitled are entitled to the same amount of relief. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, those in need of care receive up to 125 euros per month, i.e. a total of up to 1,500 euros per year.

Transfer relief amount: Can benefits also be used in the next month or year?

Yes. If the relief amount for relief and care services is not fully used in one month, the remaining amount is carried over to the following months, according to the Federal Ministry of Health. So if, for example, only 100 euros are used in January, the remaining 25 euros of the relief amount are carried over to the next month. In February, the person in need of care would then have 150 euros available instead of 125 euros.

According to the ministry, benefit amounts that have not yet been used at the end of the year can still be carried over until June 30 of the following year.

Requirements: Who receives the care relief allowance?

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, the relief amount is available to all care levels from 1 to 5 if they are receiving home care. However, the amount is earmarked for care services and is not paid out in a flat rate of a specific amount, as is the case with care allowance, for example. According to the care portal This means that insured persons must first pay in advance. If care and relief services have actually been used, the corresponding invoice can be submitted to the responsible nursing care insurance fund.

The conditions for the relief amount therefore also include its use. It must to relieve the burden on a carer or to promote the independence of the person in need of care. The corresponding relief and care services must also be recognized by the respective state law. Which offers meet these criteria can usually be found on the state government’s website. In Bavaria, for example, the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care has published a list of all recognized care offers.

Window cleaner or domestic help: What can the relief amount be used for?

The relief amount can be used for various services in the categories of relief and care for the person in need of care and their relatives. The Federal Ministry of Health distinguishes between four types of services:

  1. Day and night care services
  2. Short-term care services
  3. Services of an approved nursing or care service according to Section 36 SGB XI
  4. Services provided by services recognised under state law for support in everyday life

According to the ministry, the services provided by a nursing or care service include nursing care measures and help with household management. People in need of care with care level 1 can also use the relief amount for so-called body-related self-care services, for example help with showering or bathing.

In order to be covered by the nursing care insurance, the offers for support in everyday life must be recognized under the respective state law and are classified into three categories by the Federal Ministry of Health:

  1. Care services: Volunteers usually take over the care of women and men in need of care in groups or at home under the supervision of a nursing professional
  2. Offers to relieve the burden on caregivers: These offers are intended to provide targeted relief and advice to caring relatives
  3. Offers to relieve everyday stress: People in need of care are supported in coping with general and care-related everyday requirements. This also includes household tasks. The Ministry of Health gives some examples:
    • Care groups for people suffering from dementia
    • Helper groups for hourly relief of caregivers in the home
    • Day care in small groups or individual care by qualified helpers
    • Agencies for the provision of care and relief services for people in need of care and their caring relatives
    • Family relief services, everyday companions, care companions and service offers for household-related services

Accordingly, the relief amount can in principle also be used for window cleaners or household help if the person in need of care or their relatives are thus relieved of the burden.

How do I apply for the relief amount from the nursing care fund?

In order to claim the relief amount, those entitled do not have to submit a separate application. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, all that is required is an application for reimbursement of costs with the corresponding invoice to the responsible nursing care fund or private nursing care insurance company. Many insurers offer their own forms for this purpose.

Loud Nursing homes bill care and relief services directly to the nursing care insurance fund. In this case, the remaining budget must be kept in mind.

According to the care portal, anyone who would prefer to transfer the billing to the service provider also has the option of transferring the claim to them. In this case, the billing will be carried out directly. For the necessary declaration of assignment, The consumer advice center also provides sample forms for free download.

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