This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: …

This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: DZPG targets risk factors Berlin, 24.6.2024 – Up to 20 percent of children and young people in Germany have a mental disorder. But not all children are equally at risk. At the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), many projects are being […]

10 mins read

Mental health of children and adolescents: New prevention center opens – Alumni Uni Würzburg

Mental disorders are widespread in Germany. The DZPP is working to reduce their frequency. With a ceremony, a scientific lecture program and numerous guests from science and politics, the German Center for Prevention Research in Mental Health (DZPP) officially celebrated its opening on Friday, April 19, 2024. The new building on the campus of the […]

8 mins read

Solutions to the psychological suffering of adolescents: “adjust” and take the time

En five years, the mental health of young people has deteriorated considerably. This is the observation drawn up in April by Public Health France after a study of 9,300 high school students.·born and middle school·nes. A quarter of high school students·nes questioned·They indicate having had suicidal thoughts during the last twelve months, which concern many […]

9 mins read