Psychological stress at work not only harms those affected, it also leads to

Effectiveness control as the key to effective health management in companies. Companies can use the risk assessment of psychological stress to identify working conditions that make people unwell and mitigate them with suitable measures. “The risk assessment of psychological stress initiates a process of change: after the analysis and appropriate measures, the effectiveness control follows […]

7 mins read

Dealing with those affected by one of the “biggest scandals in medicine”

Long Covid specialist and neuroscientist David Putrino is calling for more awareness of post-acute infection syndromes (PAIS) such as ME/CFS. These illnesses, which have increased sharply due to Corona, should under no circumstances be misinterpreted as “mental,” said the professor of rehabilitation at the Icahn School of Medicine (Mount Sinai/New York) in an APA interview. […]

9 mins read