Brandenburg “Pact for Care”: Much praise and little criticism in the final report

Final report – Much praise and little criticism for Brandenburg’s “Pact for Care” Wed 05.06.24 | 13:29 | From Birgit Raddatz and Andreas Hewel Picture: dpa/Ute Grabowsky Those who provide care at home should receive support. This “pact for care” – a focus of the Brandenburg coalition agreement – has been scientifically examined. The evaluation […]

7 mins read

Brandenburg Berlin: Many caring relatives face existential worries and poverty

Status: 27.05.2024 09:03 a.m. Being in need of care is not only stressful for those affected, but also for the people who look after them. One in five family carers is at risk of poverty, and one in four women caring for their children is at risk. Politicians are called upon to act. By Christina […]

8 mins read