Mental health: mental health courses for employees

– First aid courses for the psyche Psychological problems increasingly lead to sickness absences. Some companies therefore rely on mental health training for their employees. What is happening there? Susanne Schild Published today at 5:37 am How do you react if employees are not feeling well mentally? First aid courses can help. Photo: Getty Images, […]

7 mins read

Mental health: mental health courses for employees

– First aid courses for the psyche Psychological problems increasingly lead to sickness absences. Some companies therefore rely on mental health training for their employees. What is happening there? Susanne Schild Published: 21.05.2024, 05:37 How do you react if employees are not feeling well mentally? First aid courses can help. Photo: Getty Images, iStockphoto Here […]

8 mins read

Fitness: Why sports courses at adult education centers are completely underestimated

EThere are supposed to be people who are blessed with a warm flood of dopamine and serotonin when they exercise. Who feel exhilarated after their boxing, basketball or dance training, as if there was nothing better in life than exercise. Their entire body sends a kind of benevolent signal along the lines of: It was […]

11 mins read