Obesity and depression: Doctors find genetic connection – Genetic defect causes obesity and postpartum depression

Two diseases, one cause: Changes in the so-called TRPC5 gene can cause obesity and depression in mothers after birth, as doctors have discovered. Both diseases are therefore caused by neurological disorders in the brain that are caused by this genetic defect. Gene therapy or drug treatments could provide relief in both cases in the future. […]

8 mins read

Combat depression via app with online therapy

Online therapy programs have been available on prescription in Germany since 2020. Free of charge for patients with statutory health insurance. The “app on prescription” should be available in Austria this year. Sarah is not feeling well. The 27-year-old’s mental state has worsened with the corona pandemic. Her part-time job in the catering industry is […]

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Six forms of depression identified – Mental illness manifests itself in different biotypes

Neuronal differences: Depression is not the same as depression – there are apparently at least six different subtypes, as researchers have discovered. These biotypes can be identified using brain scans. Because they are based on different functional disorders, not all of them respond to common antidepressants. In the future, brain scans could make diagnosis easier […]

8 mins read

Depression and anxiety among students: Kiel students help | NDR.de – News

Status: 29.05.2024 05:00 a.m. A team of 35 psychology students from Kiel offers workshops on mental health in schools. Their goal is to destigmatize mental disorders and show students where they can find help when they are not feeling well. by Lisa Pandelaki Toleen Nachtigall only completed her high school diploma last year at the […]

9 mins read

Germany Depression Barometer: Getting a job with depression

Is your colleague often sad, even though there is no obvious reason for it? Does your colleague seem unfocused and far away in his or her thoughts? Mental illnesses, especially depression, are widespread in the modern, fast-paced world of work and pose major challenges for teams and managers. They can only provide support if they […]

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Depression or burnout? Incorrect diagnosis can be extremely dangerous

Berlin. Depression and burnout sometimes have similar symptoms. But distinguishing between the two diagnoses is crucial for treatment. Restlessness, exhaustion, listlessness, sleep disorders – these symptoms can occur with both depression and burnout. It is therefore often difficult to differentiate between the two diagnoses. With the right knowledge, you can keep it too overview about […]

8 mins read

As a couple against loneliness and depression

Online intervention helps to promote social skills and reduce psychological problems Mental health issues, loneliness and polarization are increasing rapidly, especially after the Covid19 pandemic. A new large-scale research study, the CovSocial project led by Tania Singer of the Max Planck Society, is helping people reconnect with themselves, others and society at large. Recent results […]

7 mins read

As a couple against loneliness and depression

Online intervention helps to promote social skills and reduce psychological problems Mental health issues, loneliness and polarization are increasing rapidly, especially after the Covid19 pandemic. A new large-scale research study, the CovSocial project led by Tania Singer of the Max Planck Society, is helping people reconnect with themselves, others and society at large. Recent results […]

7 mins read

Mental health – Depression in men: Talk about it instead of remaining lonely and silent – Knowledge

Efficient, unflappable, successful: what a man should be like is often determined by stereotypes. The now 28-year-old professional footballer Francisco Rodriguez also got caught up in this role model. Until his psyche couldn’t cope anymore. Steep career, deep fall Even at a young age, he was predicted to have a great football career. The Zurich […]

9 mins read