A vegetarian diet is so useful

A balanced, healthy diet includes a large proportion of fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend five servings per day. But more and more people are going even further and opting for a purely plant-based diet. Why? A vegetarian diet benefits many Advantages: for your own health for the climate for the economy to combat world hunger […]

11 mins read

Mediterranean diet: 7 tips for the Mediterranean diet

My Macedonian grandparents taught my family the Mediterranean diet.Alexander Spatari/Getty Images My family has been following the Mediterranean diet for decades. You can replace some of your usual meals and side dishes with vegetarian dishes like soups and salads. Fruit, vinegar and vegetables like peppers are some of the staples that I always have on […]

8 mins read

Vegan food pyramid: This is what an animal-free diet should look like

Author: Benita Wintermantel/editorial team (lw) | Category: Food and Drink | May 7, 2024 Photo: Shutterstock/marilyn barbone The vegan food pyramid shows how an animal-free diet can work in a balanced manner and without nutrient deficiencies. We explain the structure of the vegan food pyramid – it shows which nutrients are important in a plant-based […]

10 mins read

66-year-old extreme athlete: This is his simple fitness diet

Extreme sports in retirement age? No problem, thinks the German Hubert Karl. He competes in marathons and is currently running along Route 66 in the USA. (symbol image)Aleksandar Nakic/getty images 66-year-old Hubert Karl from Lower Franconia runs along Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles for 66 days. The pensioner is an extreme athlete and […]

1 min read

Vegan food pyramid: This is what a balanced vegan diet looks like

Author: Benita Wintermantel/editorial team (lw) | Category: Food and Drink | April 29, 2024 Photo: Shutterstock/marilyn barbone The vegan food pyramid shows how an animal-free diet can work in a balanced manner and without nutrient deficiencies. We explain the structure of the vegan food pyramid – it shows which nutrients are important in a plant-based […]

10 mins read

Diet for endometriosis: little meat, lots of greens | NDR.de – Guide

Status: 11.03.2024 08:00 a.m. Endometriosis is caused by a chronic inflammatory process, so you should eat as little meat as possible. Foods that are not tolerated or foods that are high in histamine can also make symptoms worse. Endometriosis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of women in Germany. Hormone therapy is […]

10 mins read

Diet for acne: Which foods are suitable? | NDR.de – Guide

As of: March 4, 2024 10:00 a.m Hormones and inflammatory processes are responsible for acne – that’s why there should be less sugar, white flour products and meat on the table, and instead more anti-inflammatory and gut-healthy foods. An anti-inflammatory diet can help to reduce skin inflammation: lots of vegetables, some low-sugar fruit, high-quality vegetable […]

8 mins read