Losing weight: Which factor influences our body weight much more than exercise

That’s why so many diets fail: exercise and calories overrated – which factors influence your weight much more e-mail Split More Twitter Press Feedback Report an error Spotted an Error? Please highlight the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you can report the error to the editors. There is no genetic engineering […]

11 mins read

Losing weight: Which factor influences our body weight much more than exercise

That’s why so many diets fail Exercise and calories overrated – which factors influence your weight much more Updated today, 31.05.2024 | 09:18 Bavarian radio Gained weight despite a healthy diet? Doctors on the “secret fatteners” It is not the amount of calories or how much exercise we do that determines whether we are slim […]

11 mins read

Lack of weight loss success despite a strict diet and regular exercise? That’s why you’re not losing weight

If a diet has failed several times, you may well be asking yourself: Why am I not losing weight? There can be many reasons for this. Here you can find out what is behind it and how you can still successfully lose weight. Why am I not losing weight? Health expert Vanessa Blumhagen explains in […]

11 mins read