How do you become smarter? 10 clever tips for your mental fitness

In a world that is overflowing with information, we are constantly looking for the next aha moment: smart decisions, quick thinking and a broad wealth of knowledge are our constant companions. But honestly, how do you actually get smarter? It’s not just a matter of the knowledge you accumulate, but also how you strengthen your […]

12 mins read

66-year-old extreme athlete: This is his simple fitness diet

Extreme sports in retirement age? No problem, thinks the German Hubert Karl. He competes in marathons and is currently running along Route 66 in the USA. (symbol image)Aleksandar Nakic/getty images 66-year-old Hubert Karl from Lower Franconia runs along Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles for 66 days. The pensioner is an extreme athlete and […]

1 min read

King Charles III (75): Royal fitness secret revealed – this is how the monarch stays in top shape

At 75 years old, King Charles III. no longer a youngster, but the British monarch is still in top form. Now it has been revealed which sports program the king uses to keep fit every day. The British monarch has his morning exercise program to thank for the fact that King Charles is still enviably […]

8 mins read

King Charles III (75): Royal fitness secret revealed – this is how the monarch stays fit as a fiddle

At 75 years old, King Charles III. no longer a youngster, but the British monarch is still in top form. Now it has been revealed which sports program the king uses to keep fit every day. The British monarch has his morning exercise program to thank for the fact that King Charles is still enviably […]

8 mins read

Live longer: 63-year-old ultra runner reveals fitness secret

John Salton drinks a lot of water and eats fermented foods.John Salton John Salton is a 63-year-old ultra runner. He started running ten years ago and regularly runs long distances. To recharge his batteries, Salton drinks at least two liters of water every day and eats a vegan diet. This is a machine translation […]

8 mins read

Smart tools that make your life easier: fitness bracelets, power banks and co.

Smart devices and technology gadgets can make your everyday life easier Smartwatch vs. fitness band – where the difference lies This gadget changes that digitalization AirPods alternatives from Marshall, Xiaomi and Co. Next to self-driving cars and getting better and better artificial intelligences There are now numerous gadgets that make our everyday lives easier. Smart […]

14 mins read

More fitness and zest for life through “Join us – stay fit!”

Hamburg. The exercise project for seniors run by the Hamburger Sportbund and Abendblatt-Verein is now also available in inpatient care facilities Fred flies through the air. The cube-like foam animal lands safely in the senior’s hands. “Fred?” she asks, somewhat surprised, and throws him back to the trainer. “You named it that!” Conny Prinz replies […]

9 mins read

Aging healthily: Munich heart surgeon reveals fitness secret

24vita Live healthy Was standing: April 29, 2024, 4:51 a.m From: Andreas Beez PressSplit Prof. Rüdiger Lange will be 70 in July and is in great shape. The well-known heart surgeon reveals his secret to success and gives tips on how you can stay healthy as you age. Professor Rüdiger Lange from the German Heart […]

12 mins read

Aging healthily: Munich heart surgeon reveals fitness secret

Home page counselor Health Was standing: April 29, 2024, 4:51 a.m From: Andreas Beez PressSplit Prof. Rüdiger Lange will be 70 in July and is in great shape. The well-known heart surgeon reveals his secret to success and gives tips on how you can stay healthy as you age. Professor Rüdiger Lange from the German […]

12 mins read

Aging healthily: Munich heart surgeon reveals fitness secret

Soester Anzeiger Life Health Was standing: April 29, 2024, 4:51 a.m From: Andreas Beez PressSplit Prof. Rüdiger Lange will be 70 in July and is in great shape. The well-known heart surgeon reveals his secret to success and gives tips on how you can stay healthy as you age. Professor Rüdiger Lange from the German […]

12 mins read