Flat stomach without exercising? Tips for visible weight loss without sweating

A chic crop top with new jeans? If only there weren’t a few annoying rolls of fat peeking through. On good days you love yourself the way you are, on others your problem area, your stomach, really gets on your nerves. With these tricks, tips and exercises for lazy people, the goal of a “flat […]

12 mins read

Hula Hoop Fitness: Quick Trick for a Flat Stomach and Slim Waist

Who doesn’t know the great toy from childhood: the hula hoop. Everyone has tried it at least once and tried to outdo their friends in the spins. What sounds like childish stuff is a serious fitness trend that primarily strengthens the core muscles. We’re talking about hula hoop! Even stars like BeyoncĂ©, Kate Upton, Liv […]

9 mins read