Sugar tax on soft drinks: What the measure could achieve – Health

At their recent conference, the consumer protection ministers from nine federal states spoke out in favor of a measure that professional associations in Germany have long been calling for: introducing a tax on sugary soft drinks in order to reduce their consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly recommends taxes or similar levies on […]

9 mins read

AI in the fitness, sports and health industry: Current application examples

The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the fitness and health industry cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. AI technologies have ushered in a new era of personalized care and make it possible to collect, analyze and interpret huge amounts of data. Artificial intelligence is being used in the fitness and health industry by […]

10 mins read

Pact for Care | Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection

The state parliament plenum debated the topic today in a current affairs session “Tackling the challenges of care policy: Brandenburg’s “Pact for Care” – a nationwide model?” Social Minister Ursula Nonnemacher said in her speech: “The Ensuring nursing care In view of demographic developments, this is one of the greatest socio-political challenges of our time. […]

13 mins read

Withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants are rarer than thought – Health

She had not expected this when, at the age of 50 and in “excellent physical condition,” as she reports, she was prescribed paroxetine to combat stress at work. She was already suspicious when the first side effects appeared: sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness, and then, at some point, a lack of motivation. But the doctors should […]

10 mins read

Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet

Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet Many families are increasingly adopting a flexitarian diet. June 5, 2024 around 12:51 Clock Nutritionist explains Awareness of a balanced and sustainable diet has increased significantly in recent years – and is more relevant than ever. Healthy, varied food is not only good […]

9 mins read

Health and environment: These are the benefits of a plant-based diet

Awareness of a balanced and sustainable diet has increased significantly in recent years – and is more relevant than ever. Healthy, varied food is not only good for your own health, but also for the health of our planet. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has also taken this into account and recently adapted its official […]

10 mins read

Weight loss stagnation: This helps | MEN’S HEALTH

When losing weight, you often reach a point where the scales just can’t go any further: the so-called plateau effect sets in. But you’re doing everything right, avoiding carbohydrates and staying in a calorie deficit? When you’re not losing weight, your motivation usually drops too, you suffer from cravings more and more often and are […]

13 mins read