Sarah Wiener in an interview: “Nutrition is the pillar of our health”

Millions of people know her as a successful television chef – as a politician, Sarah Wiener, 61, campaigned in the EU Parliament for fewer pesticides in the fields. The Green MP is no longer standing for election, but she remains committed to good food. In the interview, Sarah Wiener talks about her experiences in politics, […]

9 mins read

Mental health: Karl Lauterbach presents a strategy for suicide prevention

The federal government wants to reduce the number of suicides in Germany with better prevention. Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has presented a national suicide prevention strategy that is intended to serve this goal. Among other things, it provides for more information on this topic. “We have to overcome the social taboo of […]

11 mins read

Stop being silent about mental health in the workplace!

War in Ukraine and the Middle East, political and financial uncertainty – these current events have an immense impact on our mental health. Nevertheless, in most companies there seems to be little discussion about these topics and their effects. This silence is fatal because psychological well-being in the workplace plays a crucial role in the […]

10 mins read

The health risks of generative AI-based wellness apps

Catsaros, O. Generative AI to become a $1.3 trillion market by 2032, research finds. Bloomberg (1 June 2023). Kanagaraj, M. Here’s why mental healthcare is so unaffordable & how COVID-19 might help change this. Harvard Medical School Primary Care Review (2020). Terlizzi, EP & Schiller, JS Mental health treatment among adults aged 18–44: […]

7 mins read