Weight loss stagnation: This helps | MEN’S HEALTH

When losing weight, you often reach a point where the scales just can’t go any further: the so-called plateau effect sets in. But you’re doing everything right, avoiding carbohydrates and staying in a calorie deficit? When you’re not losing weight, your motivation usually drops too, you suffer from cravings more and more often and are […]

13 mins read

Why so many nursing trainees fail and what helps against it | NDR.de – News

As of: April 30, 2024 5:20 p.m Work in shift system. Caring for old, sick and dying people. The job as a nurse is mentally and physically challenging. This is also evident in training. The Indian trainee Elsa Philo Aloysius practices a bedside patient interview. One in five nursing trainees does not pass the training […]

9 mins read